Obsidian Calrei



5 years, 4 months ago


====•• Basic Information ••====

Name: Obsidian (Murdone) Calrei
Nickname(s): Obsi,
Gender: Male
Species: Jackal
Alignment: Neutral
Morals: True neutral
Birthplace: Sandonia
Current Residence: The Bolivar 

Theme Song: Bury me low
Voice Actor:N/A
===•• Physical Information ••===

Fur: umber brown
Skin: White
Eyes: pale honey lemon yellow

Height: Mobian- 5ft 2in  Anthro- 6ft 4in
Weight: 47 kg
Current Age: 27
Date of Birth: October 8th

Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Marital Status: Single
Love Interest(s): ???
Family: uknown (mother and father Deceased) 

Likes: schadenfreude, Productivity, theatre, Flamenco,  jazz ( specially Macbeth) Mash potatoes with mince,  white wine from before 1967, Scarlette, Camelia Krimson, Solar (  both to an extent) 

Dislikes: Being subtly tempted into a deal to sell his estate , Camelia in danger, sweat shops.
Personality: Obsidian is a very conflicted person, he grew up under an psychologically abusing father who sent him out to find any person who had nothing to live for  trade their freedom to work under the family business. Often seen as mad, he has a strategic and less ethical way of dealing with situations and often 'plays' to win. Usually calm and collective and barely bares his teeth  he is as cunning as Pannox may seem in the scheme of things

Relationship with : Scarlette -  His closest confidant, Obsidian meant Scar through Krimson when he found them on the outskirts of his families land. Scars vivid personality and tolerance to his ways , makes him reconsider life around him and the worth of people in general, supporting him to see him to the see the positive side of life then the negativity he dealt with in childhood. She taught him the morals as well as becoming a mentor to being social with others. After her death he Kept a couple of her beliefs in hand, as instead of shutting down his family business he continued to keep it running only by those who chose to work, in memory of her philosophy.

Krimson- they have a strained relationship, After scars death both Krimson and Obsidian fought in rage over the current situation, Obsidian knowing about Scarlette's pregnancy made him refrain from telling after Krimson killed all the guards that came after him. In the clashing Krimson unfourtunantly shocked obsidians mind, defecting him mentally over a period of time, resulting in later years For obsidian to want to deal the same amount of damage.

Camelia- Having a similar attitude to her mother, Obsidian immediately bonded with the 3 year old, he felt camellia relaxed him and barely judged what he looked or did. even if she was young. Obsidian began to take life more seriously after he spent time with Camelia.

Workers-  he has good half trust relationship with his workers, he found them all in willing to work but its willing to take on harsh consequences if they break his policy, which they respect.

Solar- Both have a complicated relationship at first they fought (physically) but over time, solar requested him to be her  dance mentor. He takes on a strict role in doing so not willing to be easy on her, he has a sense of protection over her that shows ever so rarely that only Krimson sees.

Electra bros- He doesn't trust any of them, believes that they will take Camelia from him if they were to know about his time with her. 

Backstory: Obsidian an only son born from two magician parents who held a noble status in Sandonia, they worked in tailoring clothing for other kingdoms providing protection to those going into war or circumstances where the climate changed. they wanted to expand their business into providing for entertainers when they realised the wars were eventually going to end but the Sandonian hierarchy at the time refused to let anyone out of their lands at the time. Obsidian and his family eventually left without the permit since with the amount of wealth they hand could buy their own land, Until then the Calrei's took in anyone they could find including children to work, Obsidian would have the job to go out and find people to deliver to the business. Which he continued until he met Scarlette and Krimson.
===• • Powers • Weaknesses • Fears • •===

Obsidian uses sand magic to create glass Glaives as weapons. 
•- Weakness(es)
- Camelia
- insecurities about scar
- Family past reputation 

•- Fear(s)
- his father (in the past)
- Loosing Camelia and to an extent Krimson and Solar

•- Trivia
- he was a villain originally called Cardel


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