Slate Van Targa



5 years, 4 months ago


====•• Basic Information ••====


Name: Slate van Targa 

Real name: ??? ( you will never know ) 

Known As: Slate

Nickname(s): Ghost boy, Rocko (by sync), poltergeist. 

Gender: male

Species: European long eared hedgehog 

Alignment: good/Neutral 

Nationality: N/A

Birthplace: Liriden valley

Current Residence: Baracida (bara-see-da)   wood 

Theme Song: drowning (eden) Fleuire ( hurts like hell) breaking the habit ( Linken park) 

Voice Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch



===•• Physical Information ••===


Fur: dark grey blue/ with grey marks on surface of quills. 

Skin: tan

Hair: dark grey blue bangs with blue markings 

Eyes: light blue with a tint of orange. 

Height: 167cm 

Weight: 36 kg

Current Age: 19

Date of Birth: April 5th

Body Structure: tall and linear.

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Relationship : Taken/ Quartzel

Family: Bandit (biological  brother)  and Solar (biological half sister)

Jinel and Turo  (parents)

Likes: Travelling, poker, other card games, bets, winning, drinking to his hearts content/ prefers bourbon/ vodka. training hand to hand, weapons, sharp knives ), Quartzel, his family ( except mother) sleeping, pranks, annoying others, quoting, crime shows, kebabs. 

Dislikes: salad, sock puppets, people taking stuff literally, water ( and when its put in his drink)  exaggeration, clowns, loved ones being hurt, tears, when his steak is over cooked. fluorescent colours, country music, Jinel, clouds games . waiting, meetings, conferences. 

:  Slate is loud obnoxious lazy and stubborn. He Puts himself before others is some situations and is usually seen as a comical jerk. most people who are able to deal with him are the ones who find out more about him as time passes on without him telling them anything. he is very reserved and isolated on the discussion of his past and responds rude and sarcastic when its brought up to him, creating a façade. he even shows to be harsh and uncaring when it comes to what others think like Quartzel or even Bandit's Jealousy towards him he wasn't willing to deal with his 'pathetic response calling him a 'squirming grub'   His alcoholic behaviour is a result of his miserable true self and drowns his sorrows time to time away from others when he's not bothered. when he was younger in the organisation he had tried to slit his wrists when he attempted to die but always being found at the last second. Eventually once he stops trying to commit suicide in his later years. He finds solace and comfort in being around others but only ever so slowly. Despite this like solar he respect to those he believes truly deserve his respect. A bit of a gambler he has a cunning and suave streak and only cheats if their is no other way to win. While he has his flaws. he's willing to be there for friends and prefers to do so rather then state it. 

Relationship with : Solara van Targa - Slates half sister and youngest sibling. Their relationship is quite competive and commonly have large childish banters towards each other. Both stubborn slate tends to find a annoying streak in solar which tends to pull nerves, although he is aware that his irritations and frustrations of this reason is because of Solar's dislike for his alcoholic behaviour. Despite this, slate works well with solar in battle and tag teams. Solar will often pull Slate out of bars when he comes to drunk, being incredibly annoying in this state.  Behind slates exterior he often feels guilt on behalf of solar becoming a maskerin and does trust her ability to be independent 

Quartzel the raccoon: Slate fell for Quartzel when she used charm and wit to push down his advances, Slate has an initial respect for Quartz that he tends to not find in any woman before. he finds her fun and comfortable to be around. Although She is close to him he still keeps his past to himself. while often responding sarcastic and rude, To quartz usually often changing the subject during the talk becoming obnoxious till she becomes frustrated and leaves him be . He finds her stubborn most of the time but agrees its a trait he liked most about her when she wasn't against him. a current small fear he has is Quartz will leave him to find someone better often finding she cheers him up then he does for himself. 

Cossacks: His partner in his missions and in combat, a large bodily curved Hyena he was partnered up with on a retrieval mission when he was grounded for stealing the box of fresh cider for his teammates. finding it a bore to work with someone at the time that would watch his every move. Cossacks did not speak only laughing as they went on their way to retrieve the children they needed to find. Cossacks proved to be more then a necessary combative partner When it came to knocking heads and  hacking the systems. Cossacks finds slate the easiest to be around and His ability to remain silent causes slate to impersonate him on multifarious occasions. 

a former rival friend and temporary partner to slate, he deals with situations calmly and responsibly often becoming the strategic member of the team. Slate often messes with him finding his stern qualities and careful nature an embarrassment. However Sync tends to find slate better of in the care of him then he is with other reckless members and claims that he needs to be Under parental guidance.' . Despite their straining banters. they are both able to knock heads together when up against a foe.

Blu-jay: one of Slates childhood friends, when Tero and drift worked together in their own business to help others  slate would often tag along but drift usually stayed back to stay around solar. once stopping by blu's home to help with the transportation of expensive unseeded fruit Slate found blu-jay lacking fun in his room  and tried to get him to show him the place. From then on Blu's worried nature tends to clash with slates recklessness and sometimes have blu get frustrated in the end. 

Aerial tide: Another Partner of his a quiet soft spoken and sassy competitor She had joined the organisation in hope of earning the money she needs to raise her younger brother. She often doesn't like to put up with slates attitude and on the battlefield they don't work up to their best potential which is why they aren't put together so much. Even so Aerial believes there is a way to crack slates exterior she just hasn't found the way yet. 

Krimson electra - Despite being Solar's adopted father, Slate tends to see crimson as a  friend and mentor although he somewhat disrespects crimson at times, depending on the situation which often focuses on slate feeling ruled over. Despite this slate usually goes to Krim if he's ready to learn what he lacks. 

.Backstory: Doesn't like to talk about it. All that's taken from this Is he lived with solar and his other brother Bandit and their parents. When Tero became afflicted with Geravingers disease, Slate fell into a state of depression which he was diagnosed with until Teros death. After Solar's unfortunate meeting with the shaman, he was ready to leave receiving the opportunity to do so he left with his younger brother, but on the trip bandit began to get infected by the disease popping up earlier in his life. he left to deal with it by himself an slate left to do what he needed to do by finding solar and taking her back to the organisation . 

( info on maskerins: to be updated)


===• • Abilities  •


•-  utilizes hand to hand combat and is experienced in boxing feats using it as a way to strengthen his muscles.

- owns a pair of  Thin bladed knives he can effectively call back and uses his fingers as a way to direct its aim. 

- ghost phasing - has the power to phase through objects and walls of any material, when he begins to phase his grey marks glow and eyes glow. 

- along with his phasing he is able to enter a persons mind  but for usually an hour and rarely uses it at all. 

•- Weakness(es)

- phasing drains him 

- claustrophobic 

- great deals on a good card deck

- past memoirs.

-Sock puppets