60$'s Comments

Si quieres revisar mi toyhouse jiji 👁️👁️

Lo siento! A él no planeo darlo en un futuro cercano x,D

Would any of my ocs interest you?

Honeyed thank u!!! also im really sorry but i couldn't find anyone im interested in,,,, ;___; i appreciate the offer thouhg!!! <333

Awe it’s okay she was gorgeous i would’ve used her a lot >.< but thank you though !

kliws she’s so gorgeous would you be willing to do character trades 

I can offer characters maybe from mostly any folders some May be tentative but 

just not the( forever home )aren’t open 

Or if interested I Can offer a custom too from my adopts if interested in one c:  if wanting to see some design examples lmk <3


But thank you for your time and have a nice day!

mirkwood Hey dude!!! just letting u know that shes up fr offers <333 

!! would u take characters? :0

I'mf sorry for the late reply lmao,,,,,,, but yea!!! im mostly looking for swaps by the designer but anything is alright 

see anyone in my th? :0

i have a few vnls designs if you check tags

I love avery so much,,,,, i also like tweek?? sjksbhjs 

i can do tweek !!

1 Replies

FGHUYJE ping me whenever u take offers pls...

Hell yea i can definitely do that!!!