Bandit Van Targa



5 years, 4 months ago


====•• Basic Information ••====

Name: Bandit ( Braxen) Van Targa
Nickname(s): Bando, Ban
Gender: Male
Species: European long eared hedgehog
Alignment: Neutral
Morals: True neutral
Birthplace: Liriden Valley
Current Residence: N/A 

Theme Song: N/A
Voice Actor:N/A
===•• Physical Information ••===

Fur: Mustard brown
Skin: White
Hair: strawberry blond
Eyes: lemon yellow tinged with a slight blue. 

Height: Mobian- 5ft 2in  Anthro- 5ft 2in
Weight: 43 kg
Current Age: 16
Date of Birth: March 26

Sexual Orientation: straight
Marital Status: Taken
Love Interest(s): Spanna
Family:  Jinel and Tero ( parents: both diseased ) Drift ( uncle) Solar (Half Sister) Slate (brother )

 Theiving (its an addiction), his group, Radio messaging, morse code, Almond nuts 

 Dislikes: the pain the disease gives him, being told the disease is un-treatable , Slates attitude, Luis when he delves in his love life 

Personality: Bandit is quiet, to a point of grunts and huffs as a response at times, He finds the pain in his torso too hard to deal with which makes it harder for him to talk or even be distracted enough, He tends to have a love for money or value which drove his thieving reputation in the first place. Partially to gain enough to fund for the disease currently afflicting him. He sometimes tends to be selfish and inconsiderate when it comes between his members and his desperation for the gold which can lead to a  real strain as he fights to keep his life. 

Relationship with : Slate - Bandits worse relationship is with slate, Both have a love hate connection coming from the fact Slate was the only one who automatically received his powers and was also not diagnosed with the disease from the get go in comparison to him . Slates obnoxious, charismatic and reckless behaviour gets on bandits nerves and barely a time when they exchanged a sarcastic insult with one another. but deep down Bandit is concerned with how Slate took their fathers death and his depression in general.

Solar- Bandit has an alright relationship with Solar, He respects  her active and headstrong behaviour  despite what she had been through in the last 8 years of being under her guardian. They work together diligently at tasks but she doesn't support his thieving despite the reasons.

Spanna - Out of all the others in the group bandit cares for Spanna the most, she is the co-founder to the group and she met him while he was running away from bullies that ended up mugging him in an alley way. Originally their relationship was a bit unstable when he heard of her large inheritance but he put that aside when realising her well being was at risk

Luis - Bandit gets freaked out by Luis's strange and erratic behaviour but he trusts him the most out of the rest of the group when it comes to the jobs,

Krimson- bandit has less contact with Krimson out of the others but he respects him as a person and finds him as the best role model to both his daughters

Electra bros- He enjoys being With Camellia and has a soft spot for her when it comes to her bright attitude 

Backstory: -After Leaving the house to peruse with Slate a way to rid himself of the disease he is currently diagnosed with he headed off to a small town off east where he met spanna while being mugged by a bunch of bandits,after breaking the nose of one of them while escaping it taught him to stick to others when it came to surviving
===• • Powers • Weaknesses • Fears • •===

Bandit has no abilities and usually is slow but is well versed in boxing and pistol shooting.
•- Weakness(es)

- his disease- is reduces his stamina very fast- 

- can't run very fast 

- insensitive to others when it comes to money

•- Fear(s)

- the disease finishing his life off

-his group leaving him

•- Trivia
- he was a villian originally that betrayed his brother to save a loved one.

- he was scrapped twice before returning.