Riley Rosen



5 years, 4 months ago


"Let's get serious!"

Name Riley Rosen
Called Riley, Riles
Age 22
Gender Female
Race Human; African American
AlignmentChaotic Good

Once a low ranking member of The Organization, Riley Rosen is now a vigilante with a trigger finger as fast as her wit. Riley is greatly devoted to her allies and is willing punch, shoot, or slash any and everyone it takes to protect them. But, she must learn that there's more to being a hero than physical strength.

Riley Rosen comes equipped to battle wielding her trusty Micro Uzi SMG, and large broadswords in battle, more specifically her chrome Lacerator. She uses her agility and prowess in parkour keep her opponents on their toes.


  • Martial Arts
  • Parkour
  • Astronomy
  • Punching Bad Guys


  • Spiders
  • Clowns
  • Confined Spaces
  • Pizza


Riley relieved herself from her position in The Organization to join the eco-terrorist resistance group known as [TBA], who oppose the The Organization and it's corrupt use of T.O. Robotics and overall empirical mindset. As time goes on Riley discovers more about her past and the history of The Organization. She and her allies they take up everything from arms to academics in pursuit of the antagonist, [TBA], headmaster of the Organzation. 

pERSONALITY - Punch it out

 She is a bit hot headed with a dry sense of humor and a love for action. Riley can be very stubborn. Things also tend to go over her head a lot, but she is extremely clever and resourceful especially in the heat of battle. She is bold and relentless, but also cocky, overconfident. She can be a bit too sociable.

appearance - style and steel

Riley has light blue dread locks typically tied back in a high ponytail, green eyes, and a rose tattoo spiraling up her left leg. She wears thick framed eyeglasses and sometimes sports a silver nose ring on the left nostril. Riley also can be seen wearing a support knee brace on her right leg from time to time. She has a pretty athletic body. She has many looks, but you can almost always count on her sporting her green alien insignia someone on her outfit. 


Riley is fascinated by extraterrestrial beings and outer space.
She is fluent in French.
Her natural hair color is a light brown.
She has a teddy bear named Behemoth, that she takes everywhere.
Riley does not fear death or herself dying, but cannot handle the thought of those close to her in danger.
Riley reacts to fear and danger through violence. (Fight or Flight? 100% Fight.)
She is terrible at defusing situations.
She used to work in the janitorial division of local amphitheater, which was owned by The Organization.
Her favorite color is red.