Nakia Bakari



5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




-Born in a world full of wonder and danger.
-bond with a kind of spiritual god - earned the power to form Portals in different worlds - but to what cost ?
- lost himself many times wondering where he belongs and started travel several different worlds seeking the meaning of life.
-crossed ways with many stunning and mysterious creatures / seemingly some of them sense his connection to the God he met and like to follow him( make a companion) other of them started to attack him ( maybe they want to gain his power by taking him down ).

-likes to take note of the different Worlds / does carry a small book where he makes notes and sketches of the plants and creatures
-knows how to read the stars
-likes to lay down and just watch the skies ( he think it is calming and a good way to collect new energy )

A generally friendly Kamishiba which does meet most new things with curiosity and interesst but always with the wariness that it could be dangerous. 

Learned early to care for himself and knows how to survive with the smallest source of water or food and adapts quickly  to new  environments.  He usually travels alone so he doesnt need to look out for someone else knowing how unpredictable the wild can be. Still he enjoys the company of other at certain times. He sometimes takes a rest in villages or towns he stumble over and likes to hear the Storys of other travelers,he also knows that in some situations it might become in handy  to have someone by your side.