connor's Comments

hey! I finished the payments <3


awh adorable!!! I'll send the character over <3 thank you!

oh hey I completely forgot about my offer here I'm so sorry! I can still complete it if you'd like- if not, that's fine too :0 <3

Sure go for it! No one else has offered c:

thanks! are there a different set of characters you'd like me to draw? 

are you acepting char trades or offers on them?

absolutely, whatcha got? :3

aa so I don't have a paypal or much points, but I can offer around 50 points, 5 customs, 4 headshots, and 2 characters from this folder?

woahhh they're not worth that much!! I'll take the 50 points and 2 headshots! One of this guy and one of this guy

oh !! thank you !! I'll get started asap uwu <3 what's your DA so I can send you the points?