Jackson 🗝




Name: Jackson Ivanov

Parents: Melody Holiday,

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight with an exception

Significant Other: Shane

DoB: February 14

Ethnicity: Russian, Irish, Spanish, Italian, American

Launages Spoken: English, Russian, can speak basic Italian

Occupations: Part time Personal Trainer, model

Hobbies: Stoner, video games, hiking, swimming

Personality: ~WIP~

Biography: He was born on Valentine's night, 8:56 pm. He grew up next door to a young boy named Shane and his sister Miranda. He had quickly grown attached to the boy, following him around and always wanting to play with him. Shane didn't seem to mind, they grew rather close as the years went on, their families becoming good friends. But than it happened, that awful stormy night when his mother got into a car crash that took her life. Jack was only 5 years old at the time, but it broke his heart. His father started working a lot more so he could provide and make a comfortable life style for his son, due to this Jackson didn't see much of his father, he spent most of his time being comforted by Shane. Growing up from than on, he only saw his father for sure on his birthday and Christmas, other than that he was basically living with Shane's family. He got rather good grades in schools, granted not the best student, but he was a B average. But during his sophomore year of highschool his father got sick, his health getting worse and worse until he was bed ridden during Jackson's senior year, dieing a few months after he had graduated. After he lost both his part he fell into a deep depression, but kept it hidden from the world. He opened a business of being a personal trainer part time and modeling full-time to keep his mind off things. During that time, he last contact with Shane, but after about a year they got into contact once more, spending time together again. Shortly after they started to both realize they had feelings for each other, but finally Shane got pushed to confess as jealous took over as Tina very obviously tried to get into his pants. Soon after, they moved in together, having some small troubles here and there, but both living happily.