Earl Arran Grey



5 years, 3 months ago



Earl Arran Grey

calm / patient / thoughful


Name Arran Grey
Age ???
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Resides ???
Species ???
Nicknames Grey
Build Lean
Hair ???
Eyes ???
Sexuality straight
Occupation Earl Grey Grower
Flower ???
Smells ???
????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????

VIA Character Strengths

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  • ✦ ????????
  • ✦ ????????
  • ✦ ????????
  • ✦ ????????
  • ✦ ????????

Character Notes

Quick Blurb

Integer consectetur, tellus eget pulvinar viverra, sem risus consequat ligula, quis facilisis dui sem feugiat nisl. Nullam pretium ligula non fermentum molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam vitae dui a mi auctor auctor. Aliquam malesuada hendrerit congue. Donec sollicitudin purus et tempus placerat. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse vitae placerat tellus, a facilisis nisi. Duis sit amet orci leo. Duis dapibus quam eget nisl finibus consequat. Cras congue laoreet orci et dignissim. Vivamus nibh augue, fringilla vitae sodales id, luctus id odio. Vivamus egestas pretium tincidunt.

Integer consectetur, tellus eget pulvinar viverra, sem risus consequat ligula, quis facilisis dui sem feugiat nisl. Nullam pretium ligula non fermentum molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam vitae dui a mi auctor auctor. Aliquam malesuada hendrerit congue. Donec sollicitudin purus et tempus placerat. Nulla facilisi.

General Trivia

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




Earl Grey Tea is a very mellow guy, some people would even call him an "old soul". He's okay with pretty much anything and quite hard to upset. He is the modern gentleman and has a very suave British accent. Honor, character and integrity are all characteristics he embodies and holds near and dear to his heart. Earl Grey is reflective and thoughtful. He will often take a few minutes to answer or respond to any comment or question. Not because he's slow, but because he carefully chooses his answer before replying. Sometimes he can come off as "too much", or takes the whole chivalry thing a bit too far. You would think Earl was just a name, but no it's a title. He'd be more than happy to tell you all about it if you ask.

Let's not forget that he is all about that #TeamTea. There is nothing better than a nice cup of tea in the afternoon after work, preferably right by the fire. Earl Grey regularly hangs out with Peppermint Mocha. He is so very tolerant of her, especially since she always starts these weird fights about coffee being better than tea. When WE ALL KNOW... tea is the superior of the two.

Grey is the youngest of five brothers, but he considers himself to be the most mature. He is the one with his life the most “put together” and runs the family business. Technically, this is supposed to be his eldest brother’s role, but usually he’s too busy partying to do much. The most the eldest can commit to is being the figurehead and speaking at press conferences when absolutely necessary. He would much rather have Grey run the business though, as he finds it “boring”.

Grey’s parents have retired and live out their remaining years at their estate in England. Having traveled for much of their lives, they much prefer to stay at home and relax.

There’s something to appreciate about every season, but Grey particularly loves fall and winter. He can start a fire in the fireplace, bundle up in scarves and sweaters, and relax in his favorite armchair. It’s not uncommon to find him asleep in the armchair in front of the fair, his book open in his lap. Although he won’t admit it, Grey quietly snores in his sleep. Peppermint Mocha finds it adorable.

His family lineage is very important to him and thus so is preserving history. Grey considers himself a bit of a history buff. He will even lecture at the local university on occasion.

One unusual hobby Grey engages in is persistence hunting. He hones his stamina like a well-oiled machine in preparation for these hunts. It makes him feel more in touch with his ancestors. With food so easy to come by, hunting on your own is often frowned upon. Grey thinks hunting is much too important a custom to drop in exchange for modern conveniences.



NAME Husband

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.