


8 years, 2 months ago




Created: September 18th 2007
Status: Active; Main
Worth: My Life
Notes: Has a hindi accent
Creator: piecreature
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by mediocreson


NameDoctor Amitabh VetalaBirthdateSeptember 18
NicknameAmiHeight5'5 (seems 5'3 or 5'4 due to posture)
AgeSeems to be 17-19OrientationGay
GenderMale (Intersex)RaceAsian
SpeciesVampirePlace of birthNew Delhi, India
RelationshipTaken by RaxusOccupationScientist
Clothing LINKVoiceArjun Kanungo

Amitabh is awkward and reclusive. He's also tired the majority of the time. He doesn't like fighting physically but can and will start arguments if someone says something he deems to be incorrect. He tends to forget about other people's feelings and do things that may come off as rude without meaning to. His work is one of his greatest obsessions and he spends most of his time there, often forgetting to care for himself.

Amitabh is above all else awkward, reclusive, and almost always tired. He dislikes having all the focus on him and would rather be left alone. He has a tendency to get obsessed with things to the point that he will forget to take care of himself. When it comes to scientific fact, he often argues about even the smallest of misinformation.
He can be incredibly stubborn and it can be very hard to get him to listen to advice even if its really good. Despite not liking fighting physically, it's not completely uncommon for him to start arguments. Though, if one were to intimidate him enough it would be easy to get him to back down. Sometimes he starts arguments accidentally too, often accidentally coming off as rude without realizing it.
Despite being a creature kept alive by magic and utilizing a magical object to hide his appearance he absolutely hates it. If magic is mentioned around him he will get angry. He will get even angrier if you remind him that he's classified as a magical being. He stubbornly refuses to use magic for most aspects of his life even when it would seriously benefit him.
When he's hurt he has a tendency to brush it off. Even if he's really badly hurt and can barely move he will try to pretend nothing happened and continue on with his day. This has often gotten him even more hurt or led to someone having to take him home.
Though he often seems to not be bothered by what others say about him, he clearly has very little self confidence. He seems to have generally accepted himself as being things like "disgusting" "useless" and other things. When people call him names he just accepts it, but it's clear that at least at some point it affected him badly.
He can be immature and selfish at times. If he's upset enough he will purposefully go against someone's advice. He is also very bad with money and tends to spend more of it than he should on collectibles and then struggle to pay for things like rent and food.
He has a tendency to be very clingy with those few that he's close to, following them around and leaning on them and such. The problem is getting close to him, though. He tends to avoid people and stay in his own quiet space. Even when he spends time with other people, it can take him a very long time to trust and actually want to spend time with someone.
The best way to get him to speak is to bring up one of his interests, but he will often start rambling endlessly about it. Another way that seems to work is to be different or do something interesting, he is a very curious person and loves to ask questions.
The only social thing he seems to be good at is flirting and picking up guys. He finds it incredibly easy to find someone to have casual sex with, not having much interest in romantic relationships due to his busy job and how hard it is for him to get along with others.
Despite how it may appear Amitabh is actually incredibly horny at all times. A little known fact is that he has a massive fantasy dildo collection that he spent thousands of dollars on. He absolutely worships dick and doesn't mind giving blowjobs to complete strangers. In fact he often uses his lunch breaks doing exactly that.

  • Rocks
  • Coffee
  • Science
  • Video Games
  • Motorcycles
  • Traveling
  • Reality Shows
  • Ice Skating
  • Dancing
  • Star Wars
  • Waffles
  • Public speaking
  • Magic
  • Werewolves
  • Sleeping
  • Wasting time
  • Shaving
  • Fighting
  • Crowds
  • Being the center of attention
  • Technology
  • Cats


Amitabh lives with his boyfriend Raxus and their two adopted children, Ty and Jazz. He spends a lot of time in his lab trying to develop alternative foods for creatures that feed primarily on humans. Occasionally he can be found traveling to other countries either to spend time with his family or to study some of his other interests. He struggles with finding a way to balance his obsession with his work and the time he spends with his family.

HISTORY WIP (TW for abuse and sensitive content)

Amitabh grew up with an overbearing mother and a distant father. His parents (mostly his mother) always seemed to be much harder on him than they were on his sister. His mother was so controlling that Amitabh required permission to do anything including going to the bathroom. The only times he would really do things that she didn't like was when he would collect rocks and do small child-like experiments with them. He was often made to take care of his mother's bird and do small chores while she lie in bed or spent time with friends.
Whenever Amitabh's father was around he upheld his wife's rules with his fists. He tried to be sympathetic and help his son out in the beginning, but in the end his wife's word was law. This was likely due to the fact that he felt guilty for cheating on her and gambling. Occasionally when he could get away with it he provided Amitabh with rocks and ideas for experiments.
Since Ami always got covered in dirt from collecting rocks his mother was constantly cleaning him and scolding him for being so messy. For some reason he always looked younger and more feminine compared to other boys his age, which angered his mother. She was always cutting his hair and pushing him to act more confident. Appearances were important to her and she was always dressing him up as if he were some sort of doll. He learned to fear being dressed up nicely as that was when the abuse would escalate. Even something minor like flapping his hands or fidgeting would get him in trouble.

Teen-Early Adult:
Though his mother was still incredibly abusive she began to allow Ami to dress himself and grow out his hair. She was disgusted with his sensitive and submissive nature and started to force him to spend time playing sports and do physical work in an attempt to toughen him up. In spending more time with men he had to deal with figuring out his sexuality and being afraid of people finding out that he was gay.
Sadly, due to stereotyping a group of boys figured it out and picked on him for it. One day they followed him home and sexually assaulted him claiming that since he was gay he must have wanted it. They threatened to kill him if he ever told anyone what happened so he internalized it and began to act out. He was constantly breaking down and starting fights that he couldn't win. Though he was getting hurt his mother was happy to see him acting tough and "manly".
Once they decided he was of age his parents set up a series of dates with women they spent a long time interviewing and choosing. They wanted a traditional marriage and someone who would be willing on having children and taking care of a household. Though he was mostly unresponsive to the people his parents forced at him they ended up arranging a marriage with the "perfect" woman. He reluctantly gave in after a series of arguments (mostly him being yelled at and just walking away) but on the days leading to his wedding he was deep in thought. He realized that he didn't want to marry a woman he didn't care for or provide for his parents for the rest of his life. This caused him to run away minutes before the ceremony.

Becoming a Vampire:
Amitabh had no idea how to hunt or fend for himself. He wasn't even sure what plants were edible and what wasn't or even how to make a fire or a shelter. He resorted to eating anything he could find that seemed even vaguely edible and sleeping in crudely made shelters. It wasn't too long before he was bitten by a mutated mosquito. Due to how fragile and sick he was at the time he died not long after and woke up as a vampire.
Before he had any time to process what was happening he came across an injured hippogryph named Raxus that was being attacked by a group of humans. Since the transformation process wasn't all too far along yet he was human enough to be able to convince them that Raxus was his mount and get them to back off. After a long argument with Raxus who didn't take kindly to being called a mount or treated like an animal they split up, planning on never seeing each other again.
Ami found the strength to catch and consume animals to feed his new hunger. This was something he had never even considered to do since he grew up a vegetarian. Now leagues stronger than the average human as well as being faster and having a sensitivity to light, Amitabh had to adjust to his new life. He survived off of animal blood until he came across small groups of humans and picked them off one by one.
Horrified by what he had done, he tried to live a life of isolation. This didn't last as long as he hoped it would since he had begun to strongly crave human blood. He started to pick off hunting and hiking humans to avoid suspicion and over hunting.

Early Vampirehood;
Amitabh gave up on avoiding humans and decided to feed off of them shamelessly. He convinced himself that it would be impossible for him to survive without human blood. He and Raxus crossed paths multiple times and occasionally even traveled together and shared stories of their travels. They still argued often about their different methods in dealing with humans and a number of other things, but always managed to make up in the end.
Eventually he went too far and attacked a settlement of humans that Raxus was in charge of. This led to Raxus physically burying him alive as punishment, planning on letting him out later. Once allowed out, they learned that vampires could survive just fine off of animal blood and Amitabh decided to remove human blood completely from his diet.

Early studies;
With his problems consuming human blood out of the way, Amitabh decided to focus on other things. He found a small place on the outskirts of a human village to live in and began to study herbs, rocks, and minerals. After a lot of convincing the humans accepted him to visit the village and study nearby so long as he provided protection and did the occasional odd job. After some time helping them carry heavy objects and assisting them with their hunting he was introduced to a witch named Nani. He brought to her an idea to work on some sort of object combining magic and science to restore his human-like appearance and out of curiosity she agreed to lend him her services.
After a lot of time and training it became clear that Amitabh for some reason just could not learn the type of magic Nani tried to teach him. Some people just were not compatible with it. Since she didn't expect to have to work on this project full time she asked for compensation for her services. With Raxus's help Ami obtained crystals with elemental powers to pay her with.
With Raxus's help was able to learn about multiple different species whenever he was not working on this project. He learned about dragons, gods, nagas, etc. and catalogued his findings. Raxus excitedly showed him a wild purebred werewolf pup (a creature birthed from a male wolf under the full moon) that bit Amitabh, accidentally leading to a rivalry between the two species. Not long after this the two of them split up to go on their separate paths again.

After developing a prototype of a device that changed his appearance Amitabh decided to take a vacation. He chose Greece for the large God presence and their acceptance of various sexualities. Due to his various abilities from being a vampire it wasn't long before he became known as a God himself. He spent much of his time with Dionysus and Silenus partying and just generally having a much needed vacation.
Due to his device not always working it was known that he occasionally looked like a monster. Since he had already been friendly with and been considered to be one of the Gods this was excused. In fact his altered appearance made many interested in him.
After hooking up with Achilles multiple times and causing a bit of drama between himself and some of the others he decided to head back home and continue his work. Though those around him did not seem to mind he himself was dissatisfied with the device he had created since he wanted to look human full time. Dionysus gifted him with a wooden phallus (yea a dildo leave him alone) as a parting gift but eventually decided to join him.
With Dionysus's help Amitabh settled nicely into a new village not far from where he used to live and continued his research to fix his appearance. Due to his quiet nature he didn't have many friends in the village but he was well liked for protecting them from other creatures and occasionally helping the people build and hunt when needed. With his enhanced strength and other qualities this made him incredibly useful and it became quite common for people to stop by and ask him for help.
Dionysus settled as a butcher and helped provide Amitabh with the blood he needed.

All seemed well until a strange woman from another world (the same one Raxus was from, in fact) was accidentally transported to an area near the village through magical means.
Due to his submissive nature this woman, Roksei, found it easy to manipulate him into letting her live with him. At first everything seemed alright with her helping him collect herbs and gemstones for his research. Being in a new world didn't seem to bother her much and she quickly learned about how things worked and even had Amitabh teach her the written language.
When any liquid got on her she had claws, sharp teeth, and was incredibly strong along with some other physical changes. When asked, she didn't give many details besides her species name "brightfin" and that she was an aquatic creature. It wasn't long before she realized that she could get away with just about anything so long as she asserted herself. For a time Amitabh would argue and tell her that she's doing the wrong thing. He'd complain about her invading his personal space and asking him for sexual favors trying to make it clear that he had no interest in that and wanted to be left alone to do his work.
Eventually he started to give her whatever she wanted thinking that she would just leave him alone after that. Instead she became more and more aggressive and posessive eventually to the point of being incredibly physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive. He had begun to neglect his research to focus on whatever she wanted at the time. He even started distancing himself from Dionysus because that's what she wanted. It wasn't long before he had pushed everyone else who cared about him away.
Raxus came around to see how Amitabh's progress on his studies and agreed to help him return Roksei to her own world after noticing the lack of productivity.

Creation of shrouds;
Finally without Roksei's constant harassment and abuse Amitabh found the will to continue his work again. He managed to get back in contact with Nani whom he had stopped speaking with for a time. He reconnected with Dionysus and regained his blood supply. At the advice of his friend he searched a mountain range for new herbs to give Nani that he felt that she might not have considered using before.
With these new herbs he managed to create a stronger prototype, though it still seemed unstable. Completely by chance he figured out that the missing ingredient was a gem to harness the magic. This combination of gems, herbs, and magic became the basis of all modern shrouds. The strength of the shroud varied depending on the purity of the gem and the strength of the witch that put the binding spell on it.
With this thing created he was finally able to feel more comfortable and assume a human form without any complications. He excitedly traveled to find Raxus to tell him of his accomplishments. Humans ran to greet him and invite him to meet their hippogryph leader. Amazed by how Raxus managed to create his own kingdom Ami explored until the humans were able to introduce them. After the initial misunderstanding of who Ami was (Raxus was used to seeing him as a monster so his new appearance confused him) the two met up and Raxus showed some interest in his completed shroud. Though he didn't show it, Raxus was impressed by his creation.

The war;
When he arrived back at his village he found that they had taken in another vampire temporarily. The vampire, Rachit, greeted him happily and remarked on how interesting he found his human like appearance to be. After much conversation Amitabh agreed to give him his own shroud as well and said that he would consider providing some to dragons who (according to Rachit) were starting to become more and more rare due to the growing human trend of hunting for anything different than them.
This caused tensions between monsters (dragons, nagas, centaurs, etc) and humanoid creatures (dwaves, humans, elves, etc) to grow and before long it had become clear that something big was going to happen. Being incredibly passionate about what was going on and wanting to help, Rachit left to join the side of the humans to try to keep them in check.
Amitabh wasn't interested and tried to keep out of it as best as he could by staying in his village. Raxus came to him for a shroud to escape the war and soon occupied all of his time having to be taught how to act like a human and do basic things such as walking and using his thumbs. He then became even more busy making shrouds to give Rachit to help dragons and other creatures that were rapidly nearing extinction during the war. When he wasn't doing this he was also helping Nani tend to her herb garden as payment for all of her help and her general guidance.

Popularization of shrouds;
The war had been ended with a treaty that left north america to the humans and gave all non human creatures their own land. The disappearance of all known dragons left the monsters at a massive disadvantage and they had no choice but to peacefully end the war. It was clear that they had underestimated what humanoid creatures were capable of.
After a while of observation the larger and more monstrous creatures realized how convenient the human form was. It was compact and had thumbs, making it possible for them to do a variety of things such as making their own food and living in a more comfortable space. This realization led to shrouds becoming incredibly popular and more and more monsters started to live in human or human-like forms. Due to the demand Amitabh created more simplified versions of shrouds and taught multiple witches how to create them for themselves and others.

Moving to America;
Things settled down and Ami started to get bored. He tried traveling around to study and distract himself but he ended up feeling lost and lonely. Dionysus was doing his own thing and Nani had someone else to take care of and her patience for him had worn out. He was pleasantly surprised when Raxus invited him to move to America with him. It sounded like an adventure to be in a country that was just barely beginning to gain its own independence. To Amitabh's surprise and disappointment he had to deal with extreme racism and was forced to pretend to be Raxus's slave for his own safety. A part of him didn't mind only for the fact that he felt safer living with Raxus than he would have if he had been made to live on his own which is something he had never been very good at.

Living in America;
Amitabh struggled to learn english and relied on Raxus for his communications. He found someone who was willing and patient enough to teach him more bout science than he had been able to learn on his own. Despite the language barrier he ended up being an impressively fast learner and tried to teach him about herbs in return.
When he wasn't learning he was often accompanying Raxus when he went out and helping him carry his things. It wasn't long before Raxus developed a drinking problem and taking him home safely also became one of his duties. Raxus having wind-based abilities made things complicated. While drunk he would get angry and irrational and Ami ended up having to clean up after him and keep others (mainly the people who worked for Raxus in his home) safe from him.
Dealing with this and even being occasionally physically assaulted by Raxus while in this state led to Ami having to pause his studies for a few years. He had no choice but to take care of him since he couldn't live on his own or care for himself.

Civil War;
When it became clear the direction America was headed toward Raxus and Ami left the country for a time, not wanting to get involved. He decided to go back and spend time with Nani and the new person who lived with her. She happened to be Kaali that very same werewolf that bit him years ago. The two didn't get along immediately, of course, but made an effort. As an attempt to help them bond better Nani decided to teach them how to dance. Much to her surprise Ami caught on faster than Kaali and ended up helping her in his spare time. He also started to tell Kaali about the places he's been to and teach her some of the languages he had picked up.
Kaali was a fast learner and looked for other places and ways to learn languages when she realized that Amitabh had a lot of struggles with some of the ones he attempted to teach her. When he found out, he asked her for them to learn languages together and help perfect his english since he knew he would return to America eventually.

Moving to NYC;
When they came back to America Raxus decided to invest in a nice plot of land in new york city, loving its historical value and popularity. They already lived in the same state and he figured that they might as well move closer to where all the action was. He kept ownership of his previous home upstate as a vacation home and hired a crew of people to work there and allowed them to live there since there was more than enough space.
Ami continued to live with Raxus due to the state of racism in the country at the time. He didn't feel safe on his own and he didn't really want to be on his own anyway. With the help of Raxus he was able to get a decent education and learn the things that he actually wanted to learn.

Starting Work; 
When graduating college Ami got a job offer as a teacher and decided to take it since he was unsure where to go from school. He was able to take a part time job at a lab as well to occupy his time. He was good at the teaching aspect, but not much else. He didn't use technology much for his actual teaching because he hadn't learned how to use a number of things, thinking that it was just a fad. This made teaching very frustrating for his students that were used to using computers all the time and that had to learn how to use new lab equipment.
After one year of working at the school he was able to purchase a little bit of space in the city and start to set up a new lab so he could study things that actually interested him. This was mainly creating alternatives for creatures that consumed humans. but his interests change often and he gets distracted by a number of different new projects. He started to obsess over his new lab, forcing himself to work at odd hours and even occasionally being late to his actual job.
Worried about his well being and tendency to not care for himself, Raxus hired an assistant for him. A poltergeist named Mercedes. Ami didn't accept her at first, not meshing well with her attitude. She's very high energy, outgoing, and loves to joke around while Ami is very much the opposite of that.
Not only did the two become best friends but with Mercedes's help the lab became more organized and they got more work done. They started to hire more people and accept students for internships.


  • He is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
  • He's bad with languages
  • He has 5 alpha reductase deficiency
  • He's not good with modern technology
  • He became a vampire at the age of 19
  • He is strangely graceful while dancing and/or ice skating
  • His go to starbucks order is a grande iced caramel macchiato with an extra shot of espresso
  • He has a gecko named Taxes that his son gave him as a gift
  • He's scared of cats


Ami and Raxus live together and are currently dating. They have known each other for many years and eventually settled in a rather large property (courtesy of Raxus) in New York. Raxus often shows up at Ami's workplace and brings him some coffee or lunch. They argue from time to time because their personalities clash and they have quite a few issues to work through, but they love each other very much and do their best.

Mercedes is Ami's best friend and coworker. She helps him out with his studies in his lab and tries her best to drag him out with her to events that she thinks he might enjoy. She doubles as somewhat of a babysitter for him and tries to keep him out of trouble when he's tired or goes out on trips. He trusts her with everything and greatly enjoys her company. She's one of the few people he can really be open to.

Previously known as Rachit, him and Amitabh have known each other for quite some time. Robert stops by on occasion to ask Ami to study new things for him and to ask him how his work is going. They text on and off but don't get to hang out too often because of their busy and conflicting schedules.

Being one of the twins, Ami and Ty have a pretty decent father daughter relationship. He loves her very much though he doesn't understand her love for fashion and rather bratty demeanor. Ty loves to pick on the fact that she's physically older than him and defy his wishes based on that. She sometimes manages to get him to go with her to parties and conventions

One of his adopted children, they have a better relationship than he has with Ty. Jazz is more quiet and that makes it easier for them to get along. They sometimes eat together at a coffee shop when he's available and sometimes she even convinces him to play video games with her even though he's not very good at them.

Xander is Ami's biological son. They didn't meet until he was an adult which put quite the strain on their relationship despite the two sharing many interests. On occasion the two study together and even travel to seek more information though they don't tend to interact much otherwise.

Xana is Ami's biological daughter. Sadly the two never met since she passed away. He wishes that he could have known her.

Nani is the witch who helped him create shrouds. She never tells anyone her actual name and just asks to be called Nani. They don't see each other often but when they do she acts as his adoptive mother. She tries to teach him how to be more open minded toward magic and to look out for himself better though he's stubborn and doesn't tend to listen.

Kaali is another one of Nani's adoptive children and considered to be Ami's adoptive sister. When she was younger Kaali bit him, creating the age old rivalry between vampires and werewolves. The two get along somewhat though Kaali likes to tease him about his dislike for magic. She likes to listen to his ramblings about science.

Dio and Ami have on and off kept in touch for hundreds of years. At some point Dio was his butcher and helped provide him with the blood he needs. Now he's a close friend who visits every once and a while and takes him out for a party.

His older sister. Due to the age gap he didn't know her very well. She was only around when she visited the family which wasn't incredibly often. He never liked her very much because of how his parents put her on a pedestal. He felt like he would never be as good as her.


"I can't trust anyone who doesn't like Star Wars"
"You can't just go in dry"
"That was my female girlfriend"
"I don't need sleep...I'm dead."
"Curiosity can't kill me if I'm already dead"
"I suck married dick all the time."