


5 years, 4 months ago


"Although my face is straight, it lies"

  • Name Nicholas : Cole
  • Age 4 Years Old
  • Gender Male
  • Sin Lust : Pride
  • HP 30 / 30
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"My body feels the pain and cries"


✦Charismatic : Adaptable : Calm : Dignified✦

✦ Artificial : Religious✦

✦ Remorseful : Demoralized : Decietful : Foolish✦

Those who passed Cole, would often tell you of his charisma. How that smile could make anyone swoon. How he'd always have someone with him talking with him. But many would also tell you about his dignified manner. After his religious background, and still devoting his life to religion, he holds a somewhat noble and formal manner, despite his chummy, charismatic self. He comes off as calm taking everything within his stride. He seems able to adapt to just about any situation thrown at him.

Although, what those don't know about him, he continues to try and push deeper and deeper within himself. Determined to not let anyone know of his faults and blemishes. A Foolish tom, who acts without thinking, he often doesn't think about his actions and what consequences they may have on himself and those around him. He's decietful keeping secrets, from those he shouldn't working and acting behind the backs of those he claims to care about. Yet he seems remorseful guilt-ridden after all he's done, never wanting to allow himself to forget what he's done. While claiming he wants to be forgiven, something about him seems to say otherwise, now truly demoralized. And yet all of this is covered by a fake artificial smile and nature. It almost makes one feel uneasy.


Nicholas is a grey tabby with slightly darker grey patches, around his body. Although they are most notiable on his face. With a patch on the left side of his face, taking the better half of his face. He has a darker grey ridge going from the top of his head to the mid of his back. And his tail ends with a pale tip.

Cole is a tall top, although he's rather averagely built for his size, with large ears, and bright blue eyes. With a long slim tail. His coat is slightly wiry and coarse to the touch, while under it is feathery and soft.

  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Relationship Tracker LINK
  • Playlist LINK
  • Pinterest Board LINK
  • ● Write bits of trivia / other information in this section.
  • ● Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
  • ● Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
  • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
  • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
  • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.

  • The sound of Running water
  • The pressance of others
  • Colourful birds
  • Walking through forests at sunset
  • Sex
  • Being left alone and with his thoughts
  • Rain, Snow and Wind
  • What he's become
  • The feeling of Guilt
  • Sex
  • To be forgiven for what he's done
  • To Forgive himself
  • To move past, and find love again
  • That his guilt will overcome him
  • Never finding forgiveness
  • Never moving forward
  • Cole regrets cheating on his wife, he regrets how much he hurt her, after she found out all he had done.
  • He regrets pushing her wife further and further away from him.
  • He regrets how he continued to act as though everything was peachy, how much it hurt his wife once she found out, and he continued to act like things were fine.
  • None
  • None
  • None


Trigger warnings || Sex, Religion, Prostitution, Adultery

Nicholas's mother was what many would call a whore. A Lady of the night. She wasn't a stranger to meeting a gentleman or a lady and commiting acts that many believe should only be acted between two who love one another. Although as she would tell anyone, desperite times come for despirate measures. She was struggling to keep up with rent for her home, struggling to feed herself. So she started selling the one thing she could. She continued working as a lady of the night, until she fell pregnant with Cole. Cole's mother wouldn't be able to pinpoint who his father was. Such a task would be virtually impossible for the molly to do, even to this very day, Cole still doesn't know who his father is.

Cole's mother had to stop what she was doing to be able to eventually give birth to Nicholas. But when she did, she had to make one of the hardest choices any mother would have to make. Knowing she wouldn't be able to give her son a life he deserved. She knew she had to give him up. So, that very evening she took her son to an orphanage, and left him there. Never to see her son again.

Cole's life within the orphanage was a mixed bag. It wasn't awful, but it certainly wasn't what he would of wanted for himself. Looking back on it, he wonders if he would of prefered to live with his mother, although he could never truely answer that. He was bullied. Not for anything in particular. But purely because he was the new kid there, then when someone else new came, the bullies moved onto the next new kid.
The orphanage that he was taken to was where the start of his religious life began with. The children would be taught about the lord, and they'd be taught to pray, about sins, and just about all that came with the bag that was religion. While there were still many who chose not to follow it, Cole saw hope in it. He was proud to believe in a higher power, and as time went on, it continued to become a bigger and bigger part of him. Something he could live by.

As Nicholas continued to grow and learn within the orphanage, often going to school to learn other skills and academic lessons, he found that while he wasn't what many would call smart, nor did he really have any common sense, but he did find he was rather charismatic. While at first while he was in the orphanage, he was bullied. He eventually found he would have a small group of friends, then before long his group of friends would continue to grow and grow. Granted not everyone liked him, because you can't please everyone and there were times where he'd lose a friend or two. But the fact of the matter he always found himself with someone with him.

The older he grew the more his friendship group continued to grow and change. How faces would change, although, one face always remained the same. One face he continued to see over and over again. The more and more he saw her face, he more and more rose tinted it seemed to become. As he interacted with her the more his heart would flutter and fly. Her name, Celia, a beautiful La perm. Her coat a dilute calico, and her eyes as deep as the sea itself.

Soon Cole devoted much of his time to Celia. She accepted his religious nature, and soon she began to join him. her faith continued to grow as did their relationship. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. Until finally the two were stood together at the altar, saying their vows to one another infront of their friends and Celia's family. Tying the knot, the two were finally married. Ready to spend the rest of their lives together. Many may of said it was a mistake to get married when they did, they should of had more time to explore what they wanted. Explore who they were. But at the time Nicholas and Celia were everything to one another.

Again as time continued to pass, as did the initial feelings for the relationship. While the love was still there, the rose tint seemed to fade. There just seemed to be less of...everything. Again, some would claim the two weren't ready for this level of commitment yet. Others would claim the relationship was still premature. But both Cole and Celia would continue to counter argue. The arguements always being, they still loved one another, they were just busy. Or they didn't need to flaunt their affection around all the time. Many were unconvinced.

And what started as a small arguement, began the downward spiral that was what Cole's life became.

Cole and Celia, were spending their time at Celia's parent's. It started with her mother questioning the two's commitment to one another, the two claimed the love was still there as they often did. Her parents were unconvinced, but let it pass. That evening, Celia, questioned Cole. Was the love still there? She'd ask him. He wasn't as close as he used to be. He almost seemed to avoid spending time with her, or talking to her. It was almost as though he'd rather spend time with his friends than with her. For a moment Cole hesitated in answering her. Causing the molly to become frantic. Suppose she over reacted. Perhaps she could see though a potential lie. Perhaps she shared the same thoughts and feelings, but couldn't admit it. The two began to argue into the night, until finally Cole, left the house. Making his way back to his and Celia's. Leaving Celia at her parent's. He wanted to give himself and Celia some time to think. Time to cool down.

Although, Cole wouldn't make it back to their home that night. Stopping at a bar where he and his friends frequented, he met some of his friends, and began to tell them what happened between him and Celia. While there were some who said it'd be fine things would be fine once they both took some time to think. Other began giving him drinks. Telling him how there were other cats out there, who he could spend evenings with, or perhaps forever. For a while he laughed and shook it off. But as time went on and he became more and more intoxicated, the notions seemed more and more appealing. Until that very moment, the tom would forget about his Wife, he'd forget about his faith, and he'd approach a firy ginger molly, with sleek fur. While in his drunken state, and she was "down to clown" the two made their way back to her home.

The next day Cole would wake up with a heavy head. As he looked around the room his heart began to sink. He didn't. Did he? The more he looked around until his eyes fell upon the sleeping molly beside him. At that moment all the places seemed to connect together. Quickly he leapt up and began to groom his pelt. Although, as she awoke, she began to entice him once more. He claimed he couldn't he shouldn't. But the more she continued to entice him, the harder and harder he found it was to deny her. In the back of his head he knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help the feeling he could feel, he loved the feeling of being wanted, the passion and pleasure he'd feel. It wasn't until later that day, the tom would leave her home. Although he could feel that it wouldn't be the last he'd see her.

When Cole got back to his and Celia's home, his wife hadn't returned. He supposed she wanted a couple of days away from him after everything. Suppose that was best. Some time to clear his head would be good for him too. Some time to forget about what he'd done. He needed to move on, it was against his faith and against what his relationship said for him to do. He needed to forget about it, until it all went away.

When Celia finally came back to the home, she quickly made her way over to Cole, and he did the same. He began to apologise, that he didn't mean what he said. While she shook her head, and told him they still needed time to heal their relationship, but they could start now. Although as the weeks passed, things between Cole and Celia, seemed to get better. It was almost back on track. Although what Celia didn't know was that now Cole wasn't spending as much time with his friends, but now the molly he met in the bar the very night he and Celia faught. Her name was Caroline. She didn't want a relationship with Cole, and he didn't want it from her, their needs for one another was purely physical.

For the longest of time, almost a full year, things between Cole and Caroline continued to happen without the knowledge of Celia. It wasn't until Celia was out of town once again, when Cole and Caroline happened to both be spending the evening at Cole's home. Although without Cole's knowledge Celia happened to make her way home early, wanting to surprise her husband.

The tom heard the door open and close, then his wife calling his name, shouting that she was home. Quickly the tom made his way out of the room he and Caroline were in. And looked at his wife. His fur a mess, and a thick musky scent came from him. Followed by Caroline slowly sleeking her way out from the room. Cole could only remember the look of anger, dismay and disgust come from Celia as she soon turned and left the house. Running after her he tried to call for her, tried to explain, but she didn't let him. She didn't want to look at him, let alone speak to him.

Cole spent the rest of that night alone in his home. What was once a cozy place that he did call home, now just became a prison of memories. He was shackled in the house, too ashamed to leave. So he was stuck with his mocking thoughts, stuck reliving the very moment Celia left. The next day, Celia still didn't come back. He expected that. Then the next day, still nothing, then the next, and the next.

Although something in Cole's thoughts made him head out with his friends, he kept the acts he committed to himself. Contining to act with his pals like nothing had happened. There were many a time that he and his friends were at his home. Even at the point where Celia came in with her father to grab her stuff. As she walked in she saw Cole with his friends laughing and having fun. She quite clearly thought he wasn't as affected as she was. He seemed to be continuing like nothing had happened. As he locked eyes with her, she saw the same disgust that he did days before. His stomach churned, as it had for the days that passed. Although Celia and her father would't let him get a word in. Until they finally grabbed her stuff and left. Cole's friends in the background whispering and muttering. If they didn't know what happened before. They certainly knew now. Although they still continued to take him out to bars to help him get over her. To move on. She was a mistake, they claimed. Too clingy. Trying to tell him he wasn't the one at fault. After all why would he of cheated on her? if it wasn't her that was the problem. Cole almost believed them.

Without thinking, and clearly intoxicated, he made his way to Caroline's, wanting to speak to her. As she stood before him, she shrugged, saying she didn't really want to continue what they were doing. Her last words to him were "It was fun". Before she left him stood outside in the cold. As he walked home his heart heavy, as he thought about the passion he had with Caroline, and the love he had for Celia, he began to wonder if he'd ever be able to fix things with his wife. Again without thinking he began to make his way to Celia's parent's. Knowing that would be where she was staying.

As he approached, he assumed Celia's father had spotted him making his way to their home. He was greeted by Celia's father, before he could even make it up to the house itself. With a stern face and gruff voice, he was told to turn back. To leave. That he was never to get in contact with Celia again. That she was planning the divorce, and she wanted to never see him again. Cole continued to try and get some words in, despite his intoxicated state. But still Celia's father continued to not let him get a word in. Sending him off with still a heavy heart. Although some things stuck, he knew that the main issue was the acts he commited. But he was unaware that she was effected by the acts after she left. That she was hurt with how he seemed to be acting as though it was another day. He couldn't understand why it hurt her, but after hearing it hurt her, it hurt him.

The next few days were all a blurr to the tom. Filled with drinking and sex with those he found at the bars he went to. Followed by more drinking, it seemed that he'd forgotten all about his religion. It seemed he was trying to forget Celia. Although he couldn't forget her. He truly loved her. But he couldn't get why he did what he did. Why he was doing what he was doing. The sex now meant nothing to him. To the point where he didn't even enjoy it anymore. He continued to drink. Days continued to blurr and he continued to drink. He wouldn't be able to tell you what happened for the days prior to his death. One day he blacked out, then another moment there was only white and a deafening silence.


Nicholas is able to charm the opponent with his words and his award winning smile. They're almost hooked to every word he says, and his smile seems to keep their attention. Allowing a chance to keep the opponent distracted for someone else to attack, or if rolled higher a chance for Nicholas to attack the opponent himself while they are charmed.

Roll a d20 and if it's;
✦10 or lower, then the opponent isn't charmed.
✦11 - 19, The opponent is charmed, distracted so that others can hit it.
✦20, Not only is the opponent charmed but Nicholas can use his claws to swipe it, dealing a little bit of damage

profile html by Hukiolukio