


8 years, 1 month ago


Dimitri, the sole resident of a large and unending forest full of dead trees. Its always snowing and silent, save for the sound of a bell in the distance, ultimately leading trespassers unto the angel's presence

Name: Dimitri (he's forgotten his full name as a human)

Age: unknown
Height: 6'2
Description: A tall, willowy character with a beautifully sculpted face and eyes like icy daggers, subdued blue, almost grey irises. Dimitri is based off the Bloodborn/demonsouls/darksouls universe in that he's also a demon that feeds off the souls of others- despite being angelic in appearance. He exists in a forest known as "Orpheus' Garden", consisting of dead trees at the peak of winter, void of life, and its always snowing- nothing heavy, almost like ash fluttering down from the sky. Its also extremely quiet, hence his bell being the only sound that can distantly be heard should someone find themselves lost in the "garden" for some time. Upon meeting Dimitri, the first thing you would notice would be his starkly red attire in contrast to the colorless surroundings, then perhaps his wings, and finally his face. He comes off as vain, with an eerie look of knowing something you don't, stand-offish, and unwilling to disclose his information unless you ask nicely. Even then, humans that arrive are too far and in between for him to let you leave- so he gives you false directions that will ultimately lead somewhere treacherous so that he can profit from your death in due time.