


8 years, 1 month ago


Name: Anthym
Race: Augmented Human (Korean descent, raised by Swedish family)

Anthym's augments include a set of ears that not only correct his damaged hearing but can also be used to listen to the radio or any device he connects them to. He can also mute them, rendering himself deaf, or turn them up loud enough to hear a pin drop on the other side of Ultimasyl.

Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 6’00
Weight: 148 lbs
TIAMAT, Civilian or Supporter: TIAMAT leader
Occupation: Club owner, androidic engineer, Founder of TIAMAT.

- Androids
- Working with his hands
- Feeling as if he is doing the right thing by keeping people safe
- Reptiles
- Money
- Refreshing drinks
-Spicy foods (chipotle lime chips)

- Feeling frightened
- Being told what to do
- The idea of the “outside”
- His real name
- Dogs

- To personally dismantle The Machine
- To have a son

- Darkness
- Tight spaces
- The outside
- Certain aliens
- Physical contact


Anthym is quiet. Not very many people know the real Anthym or very much about him. He tends to keep to himself and is always working, whether it be programming, hacking, building or recruiting—oh yes, and running his large scale business on the side. He’s a bit of a work-a-holic-stress-monger. He can’t sit still, as he believes that this is a magnificent waste of time. He has very little patience and tends to rush people to the point rather than making small talk. Because of this, he is also terrible at organizing his thoughts and will often ramble from subject to subject without letting anyone get a word in edge-wise. Unfortunately he is anything but friendly. You'd think he'd be quiet and shy, but instead he is short and dismissive, often cutting people off or walking away before they have a chance to say much of anything.

If he does not have something in his hands, Anthym will wring his fingers together or snap in rhythmic patterns. Unless he is seated or working he paces. His posture mixed with his fidgeting nature makes him seem a little less than sane and a little less than professional. Nails constantly bitten to the quick and hair always on the messy side, he tends to come off a little more frazzled than he is, he’s mostly just too busy to care. As made obvious by how often he forgets to eat. He really could use someone to take care of him.

Underneath his busybody exterior he cares deeply for, well, everyone. While he tends not to get close to anyone in particular, he feels that everyone he has met his somewhat important to him and it is his job to keep them safe—this is why he founded TIAMAT. More important to him than dismantling The Machine is keeping the citizens of Ultimasyl safe until he achieves that goal.

Anthym has a bit of a Swedish accent, pronouncing “ch” as “sh”, and cusses like a sailor when angered.


Along with his birth-name and foster name, Anthym keeps a few things concerning himself under wraps. He is not only wary of human contact, unsolicited contact in the form of hugs or displays of affection can send him into psychotic episodes including but not limited to flashbacks, seizures and states of extreme panic.

Anthym is clinically deaf and can only hear because of his augments.

Before he went to college, shortly after being adopted, Anthym was a bit of a punk. He and his friends had a short lived, no-name punk band, in which Anthym was the singer. He has quite the talent for it but no longer practices the act because he feels "a broken heart can't show the right kind of passion". However, he does still sing on his own-- especially in the shower.

On a less serious note he is a closet otaku/anime fan. His preferred genres are shoujo and josei (anime and manga written for female audiences, usually dramatic and romantic in nature). He plays otome games, has a nekomimi (cat ear) fetish, as well as an affinity for twin tails. Of course, nobody will ever know any of this.


A traumatic incident from his childhood left his parents dead and left Anthym with poor hearing and no memory of his parents or the events preceding what he can only refer to as “the accident”. All he knows is that it was caused by Droids, as they delivered him to the orphanage in which he would spend the next six years. Here, he had to learn how to function again after the accident, including learning how to speak (he learned Swedish and English) as well as quite a bit of his motor functions. He was given augment that allowed him to hear, that he later changed to the robotic ears he wears today.

At 16, he was finally adopted by a couple, although they would only keep him for two years. They got him a decent education and he went on to college to study androidic and robotic engineering. Then, one night, when he was at a concert for an Anti-Machine band, a group of Droids broke into the arena and obliterated the band, the fans, and Anthym’s close group of friends. Anthym hid from the Droids and was spared his life. With money from freelance android projects and help from his adoptive father, Anthym built The Technomancer, a club that he vowed would be a safe haven for anyone like him, anyone that wanted to rebel against The Machine and not wind up as a smoldering pile of ash.

Three years later and it wasn’t enough to be safe anymore, Anthym had to take a dramatic step forward. He built an android and named her Iris and gave her a radio station called .CHANNEL IRIS. Iris was meant to hover over the city and keep citizens informed of Droid activity while simultaneously blaring any Anti-Machine tunes she could find on her radio station. As more and more citizens tuned in, the name Technomancer was mentioned on Iris’ channel and business for the small club was booming. Several expansions later and Anthym could feel nothing but proud of himself, but still, something was missing. He knew that he could do more than just sit around. Iris was one step, but what was one more?

TIAMAT was born and Anthym decided to take the risk. Someone was going to shut off The Machine and raise more public awareness of man’s right to rebel. If The Machine didn’t fall to his hands, Anthym swore to himself that he would die trying.