Ace - ropi



8 years, 5 months ago


this is subject to change a bit. still figuring his personality out. will most likely be getting a grem2 form and will 100% be getting a human form!!


Name: Ace

Age: teen

Gender: Male

Personality: among people hes quiet and avoids social situations and confrontations. He likes to imagine his sociability as a battery that quickly runs dry. He's usually pretty tired, as he doesn't sleep much. He's very passionate about his love for gaming and is one of those people who wait in line outside stores to get the limited edition version. when in public he's almost always on some sort of handheld console, and thus is prone to bumping into people and walls. He likes to imagine himself as being the main character {of a boring story} and likes to pretend that people around him are side characters. ''that character is so flat and has had no development whatsoever'' is something he would think. part of him is waiting for something interesting to happen. his room is filled with anime figurines and manga. pretty much otaku trash. He does however have a sense of adventure, but rarely ever acts upon it. often if he does, it tends to backfire and end up in a stupid/unlucky/awkward situation.

likes: playing rpgs and dating sims + some retro games, adventure anime with spectacular heroes, limited edition things, energy drinks

dislikes: people touching his stuff, people who excel at being social and are popular, low battery in public

 history: nothing special. used to be more social but ever since he discovered what games was that all went to shit. He does however get picked on at school sometimes but he perfers to just hand them his lunch money and move on.


-has friends but has never had them over to visit before.

-is surprisingly popular on the internet. has created a persona of him thats confident, funny, and adventurous.