Rowan Sedrit



5 years, 4 months ago



====•• Basic Information ••====


Name: Rowan Sedrit. 

Nickname(s): Ron ( only by Radon) 

Gender: male 

Species: Coyote 

Alignment: Good

Morals: True 

Nationality: - ??

Birthplace: Yunvur  Villiage 

Current Residence: Libro Doctrina bookstore. 

Theme Song: N/A

Voice Actor: N/A 


===•• Physical Information ••===


Fur: navy blue 

Skin: pink 

Hair: -Black and navy blue 

Eyes: violet purple 

Muzzle: white 

Height: 6ft ,3inch

Weight: 35 kg 

Date of Birth: December 12th

Life status: Alive

Current Age: 24

Body Structure: Tall, slightly lanky

Sexual Orientation: straight 

Relationship : single 


===•• Physical Information ( Maskerin form)  ••===


Fur: pale grey, black detailed marks

Skin: White, hardened 

Hair: pale grey black marks. 

Eyes: violet purple

Muzzle: white ( eye marked features on each cheek) 

Height: 7ft

Weight: 40kg


Family: ( Uknown ) 

Likes: Classical music and opera,. History and Information about the kingdoms and empires long before. white wine,  etiquette, Cactus's  Antiques. Caryn's lectures and books, black tea, sitcoms  

Dislikes: Rain, untidiness, When books are not put in the right place. Fictional stories, loudness, his clumsy assistant ( at times), coffee, Sports, the windows fully opened ( likes them at an angle.

Personality: Quiet ,proper and often then naught easy to impress, he is a bookstore owner and a former student of one of Cayryns classes. He doesn't have enough information on caryn to provide to the others but is fond and intrigued by the latter's education curriculum and motives When he was a student and takes that on with him when selling books and certain antiques at the Libro Doctrina. He Is delighted to help anyone fond of learning and always up for the challenge of those who do not seem to understand fully the concept of a topic  but has the potential. he finds his bookstore the best place to speak with the others on the situation at hand and doesn't usually like staying at other households as he is not fond of untidiness. although he is alright with Qoris's only. he is patient but can be blunt with those who don't uphold to certain standards like his assistant who doesn't seem very bright and is ditzy at times which gets on his nerves. Giving supportive information he is very helpful when it comes to locations the others cannot find and geographic details willing to provide when he sees fit to.  

Relationship with

Levi, Lanth and Leon  -   The least of the troupe he talks to. In general the three aren't very fond of his ways except for Levi ( the oldest) who is determined to find out if there is any way to work together more effectively due to the different mindsets they all have. 

Solar- Solar works on a decent level with Ronan, her rash unmannered self is usually silenced by him. Due to her mental ability he finds her quite of interest especially when she is determined to work, she would come into Libro Docterina and start reading different sections on how to figure out a puzzle or situation knowing how Ronan was about his books she would start there and leave with written notes in hand. She sometimes feels she has to prove herself to him but doesn't make much effort of it. but Ronan has been impressed by her use of mind in dire times.  

Radon- Rowan finds Radons behaviour a little infuriating especially on their very different sources of information Radon is more into the future's trends while Ronan prefers the geographies and history of the past and present, Radon has a habit to annoy Rowan by calling him 'Ro' whenever he walks. A running gag is that Radon is always ushered out the back door, because Rowan is embarrassed to have him there in the first place among new customers willing to buy for the sake of learning. Radon bright positive personality overshadows Ronan's one and despite the dislike between the two and differences Radons knows Ronan is the guy to go to for the info regardless. 

: Out of all the Maskerin's Rowan has the best connection is with Vin . Rowan's book reading and memorising of all the information is put to the test when he discusses with Vin about all the topics up to that point. Vin is usually consistent when it comes to remembering details and labels Rowan's information as storytelling which he doesn't like as much but refrains from saying so. Rowan respects Vins behaviour towards book and finds it impressive that he would rather figure out information for himself or in retrospective listen to what people have to say and write down the information for himself. He has been mentioned that he is interested in the curse surrounding his people since he met him. 

Qoris - both have slimier traits and personalities. Rowan finds Qoris's personality intimidating and keeps his distance a majority of the time, She is usually cautious of his personality and mentality due to the fact they are not fully aware of what his ability is capable of.  Rowan and Qoris work together when it comes to map reading and  planning. There isn't much connection between them and are not usually together in the same scenario at times. 

Backstory: So far, Rowan doesn't mention much of his past except for the fact he used to be a excellent student in literature and history under Cayryns curriculum in his younger years. His prefers to refrain from the use of his form like others and rather uses his information and only small amounts of his power in radio and sound waves when its needed to locate or to in opposing an enemy. He says the reason for this being is due to how he was brought in the slums as a child and working as hard as he did even after he became a maskerin took a lot of years but despite how others look to cayryns he refuses to believe it all. Saying he was a fantastic and well experienced teacher. 



===• • Powers • Weaknesses • Fears • •===


has no powers in his normal form only his maskerin form)

abilities ( base form ) 

- Can remember a lot of locations from one land to the next

Abilities (maskerin form)

- Can use radio and sound frequencies to produce waves of high intensity or to locate.  

Normal Maskerin features applied to all ) 

Crystal claw: His fingers harden like diamonds so she is able to slice the thickest material. 

speed: his speed quickens and is able to access the ability to run on all fours which accelerates his speed to almost 7mp

eyesight : his sight sharpens allows him to see more clearly and to see things at a more closer range 

smell: smell heightens to allow her to track of smells to pick up any lost or far off people.

•- Weakness(es)

- depending on the intensity of the waves he can affect his own hearing

- Pale as a ghost stays in his bookstore to often 

- doesn't drunk enough water 

- doesn't use his form often doesn't know combat very well.