




Despite her appearance, Elysium is in fact an Elder Dragon. She resides in a small effluvia-filled basin where she is the only sentient form of life- and she prefers it that way. Local legends have dubbed her the "Black Widow", as she tends to kill anyone who gets too close to her. Often regarded as stoic and callous, Elysium is very closed-off. She is highly reclusive and territorial, and will attack anyone who stumbles into her little kingdom without hesitance. Immune to the noxious gases that fill her home, she uses them to her advantage when combating bounty hunters who seek out bragging rights by slaying the dragon and those who try to avenge the many who've gone missing in and around the basin. Elysium has a half-sister by the name of Willow Whisp, who they share a mutual hate for one another. She seems to have a peculiar love for lotus flowers and water lilies which grow abundantly throughout the basin.