Roxanne Fisher



5 years, 4 months ago


Roxanne Lilith Fisher

"That church is full of sin." 



In the dead of night on October 16th, Roxanne Fisher was born to Nicole and Nathaniel Fisher in the outskirts of the small Virginia town Irnings. Due to Nathaniel's position of a local pastor, the family decided to reside in a worn church building that was used in the 1600's. The church was peaceful and still, as Nathaniel's seventeen year old sister Abigail moved in to help assist with caring for Roxanne, who at the time had recently turned three when disaster struck. Nathaniel and Nicole's relationship had been rather well off, until Nicole's behavior began to worry Nathaniel. She appeared to talk to herself at times, growing more and more possessive over the small baby who resided in the room next to them. Nathaniel even witnessed her eyes flicker to a beaming gold as they laid down one night. Ready to accuse the woman of being possessed, Nathaniel was stopped by the sound of water dripping from the bathtub, where his wife's body rested. Overcome with paranoia, Nathaniel became more on edge. He happened to be right about one thing, and it was the fact that he did marry a demon. Nicole Mendacium was none other than one of the various demons in hell, her last name meaning "lie" in Latin. He did not realize however, that his own daughter was part demon. Frozen in fear, Nathaniel lashed out on none other than his younger sister. By the age of seven Roxanne was home schooled, having never left the church grounds unless it was to the garden behind. She studied various bible stories that her father assigned as he began his new profession, an exorcist. It would be soon found out that none of the woman after Nicole were remotely possessed. Emilia May, Abigail Fisher, the list went on. However, Roxanne had a unique gift placed upon her by her mother's species. She could see the spirits of those who had fallen around her. Raised by the ghost of her aunt Abigail, Roxanne bared the life she had with her father, watching the amount of spirits begin to rise. By the age of thirteen the redhead was greeted by the reality of her situation when she discovers Abigail's grave, finding out that she is her aunt. Glancing back at the church as another victim, Samantha Harp entered the church, Roxanne knew she couldn't allow another to fall. Helping Samantha escape, the child pinned a chair behind the basement where her father remained, and drew a match from the kitchen. She had to wash the church of it's sin and free the spirits of those in it. Once rid of the church, Roxanne set off with Samantha to Irnings where she began to live a normal life, or at least attempting to. Her demon side still remains in her, whether she wants to see the spirits or not.


Roxanne is around the height of 5'5 with incredibly pale skin, almost seeming like a ghost. The bags under her eyes are incredibly dark which bring out her haunting golden eyes which her father assumed was hazel. Roxanne's hair is a passionate red that is usually kept in two pigtails by loose white ribbons. When residing in the church, Roxanne typically wore a white long sleeved nightgown with a wooden cross necklace around her neck, before finishing the look with black tights. However when she begins her life with Samantha, the redhead can be seen usually in a black and white blouse with a plaid blue skirt, keeping fishnets over her legs with black boots. Her cross necklace was replaced by a silver heart as she wore her hair down, finally at peace. While at Camp Honey, Roxanne wears her orange camp shirt along with jean shorts and her dirtied converse. 


Mother- Nicole Fisher-Mendacium

Father- Nathaniel Fisher (deceased.)

Aunt- Abigail Fisher (deceased.)

Adopted mother- Samantha Harp

Grandmother- Rosanne Fisher

Grandfather: Christopher Fisher (deceased.)


- Alison Cricket

- Bennie Finch

- Charles DeGraw

- Emilia May

- Ruby Carter

Love Interests

- Charles DeGraw

Fun Facts

* Roxanne's favorite food is apple pie because it reminds her of how Samantha takes her to the town's local diner "Madeleine's" every Friday night. 

* While living with Samantha, Roxanne received a pet cat she named Abby.

* Roxanne's favorite color is sunset orange.

* Her favorite genre of music is rock.

* Her mother, Nicole, didn't actually die rather she disposed of the body she had possessed in order to avoid being exorcised by Nathaniel.

* Charles DeGraw and Roxanne met at Camp Honey, a summer camp Samantha sends Roxanne to.

* Roxanne is the only person to apologize to Emilia May over what happened to her.

* After freeing the ghosts from the church, more random ghosts appear to Roxanne desiring help.

* Due to her half demon side, Roxanne is able to touch and interact with ghosts.

* Alison convinces Roxanne to join girl scouts with her. 

* At school, Roxanne joins the lacrosse team along with being a member of a book club.