


5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Varma of Wavecrest


Pathfinder Society


female (she/her)


125 years (equivalent to 30-something)




True Neutral


lesbian and ace

Character Class



GUNS, having fun, PUNS, tattoos, cowboy aesthetic, technology, machines, adventuring, traveling


cold weather, how expensive gun parts and such are, feeling stagnant, conflict between people


Varma is a 4th generation undine, and she comes from a small floating town of Wavecrest, populated by only undines. Varma hadn't really even thought about life outside her village until a stranger from the Mana Wastes was found stranded at sea and brought to Varma's hometown to recover. The stranger's tales of this strange place where magic didn't work properly and strange things were lurking in the desert amazed Varma, and even after the stranger left their town, she couldn't stop thinking about them. Roughly 30 years ago, Varma's parents informed her that she had been promised in marriage to some undine man from another floating town, in order to forge an alliance between the two towns. Varma was less than thrilled about this plan, so she decided to run away from home. The only problem was that she had never been away from her town before, so she didn't really know where to go, until she remembered the tales about Mana Wastes. So, after figuring out where she should head to, Varma went to Alkenstar, the capital of Mana Wastes, and started a new life there, studying guncraft.
Eventually Varma decided to join the Pathfinder Society, both to see a bit more of the world than just two places, and to earn some money while seeing the world, since it turns out gun things are very expensive in a world where guns have only recently been invented.

Varma is a laid-back, carefree, relaxed person who doesn't really seem to take a lot of things seriously, often reacting to pretty much everything with humor.
She loves making puns, especially from themes such as her own name and guns and water. She's fairly witty, but she does put on a bit of a show about being smarter than she really is. She's not, well, not smart, but she's not exceptionally intelligent either. She does have a bad habit of rushing into things and being a bit too impulsive for her own good, but most of the time she just rolls with whatever situation she ends up in. It's extremely rare not to see Varma with a smile on her face. She's more concerned about other people's safety than her own.