Bloodstone's Literatures

5 years, 7 months ago
1446 4

Mild Violence

{ hello! before reading, i would like to warn you that there is a segment with something adjacent to sexual harassment. it's largely non-explicit, but the intentions of the perpetrator are clearly implied to be something as close to that form of intimacy as gems can get. also, while the warning is "non-explicit violence" it's heavily implied that some gems die(? even i don't know). stay safe guys!! thank you for reading ^_>^ }

There's a distress signal coming in from Sector 6F of the Alpha Centauri system.

{ a Steven Universe fangem horror story. character interaction/responses to the distress signal are more than welcome! also, i feel the need to apologize for the vagueness of the crew. i want to make this into a kind of group Survival Horror Roleplay deal if i'm able to, and if i keep things vague, it can let people fill in the blanks easier. <3 }