Devin (Devil) Castro



5 years, 4 months ago



Devin "Devil" Castro
Electrician/Mutated Tasmanian Devil
Retired Assassin/Hair and Makeup Artist
5ft 4in
103 lbs
Love Interest
Solar Van Targa


Devil is a confident and open individual. He can mingle with just about anyone and loves to make friends. Sometimes his history of going through experimentation can give him moments of PTSD. Being an assassin can sometimes make him put on a much more serious and cold facade. Devil originally had the fur colors of brown and gray but they have been altered over to brown and orange after experimentation. He also had a normal tail before as well. Devil can also speak fluent spanish after being raised by Roxxi. Devil hates teddy bears but he does hold on to the one Roxxi got for him ironically. Devil is also claustrophobic and being locked away in a cell or small space can cause him to panic due to his suffering of being experimented on.


Devil was born with his twin brother and doesn't have the memory of his parents. He was taken care by his older brother, Onyx. The twins were separated from their brother as newborns as a gang kidnapped them to be raised in their gang. They then were rescued by Roxxi and raised by her. This lasted until the boys were around the age of ten. Onyx finally found them and Roxxi handed the children back over though it was a heartbreaking moment for all of them. Onyx raised the boys for the next three years till one day Onyx didn't return home as per usual. The twins looked into it and learned Onyx went to be a science experiments in order to make the family more income as times were rough for them and they were barely getting by. Devil, along with his twin, went to the facility to try and rescue Onyx but it was too late as the experimentation already begun. The twins being alone and unaware of the danger was kidnapped once again and was used as experimental subjects as well. This led to their mutations of their fur color change and their long and more demonic-like tails. The purpose of this experiment was to create better and longer living lives for living beings by adding and implementing enhancements without totally wiping out the biological side of the being. Onyx once broke free after being a failed and corrupted experiment being virus-like and during the chaos Devil and Mirth managed to escape the facility. The two boys then became assassins, getting caught up with the wrong crowd in the underground. They find it easy and quick money especially with their new enhancements. Things changed once they were assigned to kill a certain peach guinea pig.


Sparing, entertaining children, being around others, parties, being right, attention, learning new things, jokes, acting, doing hair and make up.


Cold weather/temperatures, closed in spaces (Claustrophobic), comments on his mutated appearance, showing his scars on his torso and arms.


Devil can manipulate and create electricity.


Cold temperatures/weather, his new found emotions once retiring from being an assassin. Can react dramatically to things.


Claustrophobic (closed in spaces), Losing the family he has left, doctors, hospitals, isolation, being locked up in any type of cell or closed in space.


Devil was originally a Sonic fc.

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