Barnaby Trenowyth



8 years, 1 month ago


Barnaby Trenowyth

age: 135

species: vampire Hybrid

nationality: english 

 occupation: hitman 

employer: etienne


“The Vampire King”. He has many titles and many names but doesn’t care about any of them. He’s the only known successful chimera to have survived the stress and abuse of the process and was widely known as some mythological scientific anomaly for those in the medical community that managed to know or write about him. What very little writing exists about him in modern times is dismissed as fantasy, as it’s hard to believe such a feat could be accomplished by Victorian minds.

Physically, he isn’t perfect in that his eyes are very sensitive to light and his tail is too long and curves into a large spiral.

He’s the most expensive hitman at Etienne’s bar none, but will kill child abusers for free. He does it partly to save children from enduring what he did but mostly to relive killing his own abusers again and again.

He was born in 1872 as a timid human boy much smaller than others his age. Was unfortunately teased and even more unfortunately coveted, for his “doll-like” appearance and shy demeanor.

Quiet and sleeps a lot. His weakness is sweets and anything sugar-y.