Gallack Gasado



5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Gallack Gasado
Birthday: ???

Age: 200+

Relationship status: ???

Personality:  Cynical, sadistic and full of resentment for his people, Gallack is a character of different perspectives, he  holds pride to the fact his theory of the massacre of 58 came to be and holds a similar philosophy to create a new civilization and to cleanse the world of the dirt it is already covered in. he is completely loyal to Pannox and goes to long extents to prove his worth.

Backstory: N/A


- Gallack is a spectre an Astral projector that has died and has been resurrected back to life. he draws power from the astral realm strengthening his abilities. 

-immortal- Gallack was killed by Pannox's hand and resurrected and thus by doing so granted him immortality ( living more than 200 years) 

possession- has the power to possess anyone's soul, only a person at a time.

Minor paralysis- Can paralyze a person by making direct eye contact. only astral projectors are not affected. 

Astral drop - Can remove his spirit from his body in the form of an astral drop. thus allowing safe entry in the astral realm

Relationship with:

Pannox:  Gallack was granted immortality from Pannox thus, in turn, is loyal and does what Pannox instructs him to do. He doesn't question his methods and only responds to comments when Pannox asks for the critsicm, He often becomes confused between the forms Pannox takes which bothers him to an extent. However, it begins to rub off once he is told to head to the astral realm to collect astreal (as-tree-al)  children.

Miskul : Both work together on missions the most, Gallack is usually disgruntled and unimpressed by Miskuls Monotone behaviour often breaking in a sarcastic comment once in a while to mess with him however he respects him as a good strategist and tracker of the team. 

hyacinth: a wyvern, co-leader in his syndicate that rounds of the astreal children (dragons mostly) to be taken back to pannox for 'Ritualising' since the astral realm is unaffected by Pannoxs dark magic. She obeys him diligently however she cares more for the members in the team then Gallack does as he finds them replaceable. Thus sometimes going against his commands to ensure the safety of the team.