
8 years, 2 months ago


Helios is a lil' dude I've had for quite a long time; unfortunately, I've lost pretty much all of his art with an older data drive crash :'( He advertises himself a 'shepard of stars' and lives on a decent-sized spaceport, and possesses several implants that give him rare telekinetic abilities. Unfortunately, his telekinetic abilities don't really allow him to do anything useful since he can barely lift a spoon with them (let alone bend it), so he earns most of his money by donations via showing off in tram stations and such. While he may look flashy levitating his magic tiny planets, the 'planets' are really just the dolled-up version of the lightweight paper-mache balloon planets that you probably made in elementary school.

(Helios is part of a spaceport headworld I've had going on for quite a while, and there's a decent bit of lore with the world that I have nowhere else to put so I'm putting it here. lD I'll probably make a character sheet for Gashgleam eventually since the hive-mind is kinda a character? Lmao)

If you see a scar, blemish or tattoo on any individual around the spaceport that looks like it was doused in glitter, it's probably Gashgleam. Gashgleam was originally found in the form of a crystalline, amorphous, fungus-like lifeform affecting several of the planets residing in the Noxra system. Interestingly, planets hosting Gashgleam in Noxra were also hotspots for abundant, diverse life, while Noxra planets with virtually the same conditions sans Gashgleam were barren. Gashgleam was soonafter found to have incredible healing properties, and could quickly regenerate skin, muscle, bone and even some simple organs within virtually any organism upon application. 

While originally strictly regulated within hospitals due to its mysterious nature, the original Gashgleam patients found that they could easily grow the stuff themselves by cutting off a bit of their new 'limb' and placing it on a damaged organism to grow (oftentimes another self-inflicted injury as to quickly produce more of the valuable healing agent). Gashgleam quickly became popular in spheres other than healing, and various gangs and mercenary groups starting carving symbols into their own skin then 'healing' them with Gashgleam as an initiation rite. Even in upper echelons of galactic society, people will carve intricate patterns into their faces and arms then heal the wound with the glittery substance, creating beautiful 'tattoos'.

Other than Gashgleam's organ limitations (for example, Gashgleam could not mimic a human brain or heart without causing disability), for years there seemed to be absolutely no drawbacks to having Gashgleam scars, tattoos or prosthetics. However, issues started arising when Gashgleam carriers started having children. When two 'healed' individuals procreated, there was a small but significant chance that the child would be born a bit.. different. These children (often derogatorily called 'pixies') would have glittery patches of Gashgleam erratically across their bodies, and no iris or pupil would be visible in the child's pure white eyes. However, more significantly, these children all appeared to be part of a hive mind, constantly aware of each other and dreamily revering a distant, abstract 'mother'. While the hive mind is peaceful and quite amicable, it was understandably quite jarring for many parents to have a child who was only a fragment of the mind of a thousand-year-old, alien being.