Delilah Nasser



5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Delilah Nasser
White tailed deer
Birthday: ???

Relationship status: ???

Personality: headstrong, independent and strategic, Delilah is a real threat when it comes to her spells that she derives from constant book reading, She looks up to pannox as a mentor as of her practice in the dark arts, She keeps her emotions hidden well during Battles and is always retains advantages when she is against magic users. At times however when her magic proves to be useless she is compelled with anxiety and loses her agency almost immediately, determined and hard worker she strives for perfection as she fights against the organisation from taking the children back.

Not much is known about Delilah except that she was part of a low class family that was being abused constantly due to the fact they could not repay their debts, eventually a civil war broke out on the town and a lot of people had to evacuate , Delilah who was just 13 who was almost at deaths door as she was trying to retrieve her family from the house and was crushed by the debris on her way there was offered by pannox another life a way to leave without the struggles she was going through, Delilah felt she had no other choice as she took his offer and Pannox from then on raised her under his care.


-Spell weilder- She is a charm-caster, well versed in the power of dark magic, she practices spells from memorised incantations from dead languages to simply created the spell manually via ingredients.

Relationship with:

Pannox : Delilah idolises and respects pannox a lot, she was raised under his care as he mentored her in dark magic allowing her to work with him in developing the 'ritualising' process. Delilah often feels she is the most trusted out of the others as pannox has shown her his main chambers and allows her to come in before the others do when they refer information to him. She takes her title with pride and goes to large extents to wipe out those who threaten to get in the way.

out of all  the others Delilah feels the most comfortable with the supervisor, who watches over the young maskerin kids and the kids who are being prepared for the process. She often sits around his area when she isn't called out for work to help him out, the supervisor listens to her feelings in turn which she takes the time to open to him all together.