Sanguinaria ~ Archanes



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Sanguinaria
Age: 55
Sex: Female

Slot Rarity: Common/Uncommon and 1 Mythic Trait
Eyes: Common (pink to blue)
Ears: Mythic
Horns: Uncommon
Tail: Common

Gem: Blue Topaz
Flower: Bloodroot
Occupation: Explorer

Personality: Soft, Gentle, Curious, Clever, Manipulative, Agile, and Intelligent
Likes: Travel, Exploration, Observation, Collecting small useless objects for further experimentation, Moths and Bees, Cats and Rabbits, Other Archanes, The moon and stars
Dislikes: Confrontation, Manipulation (yes she is manipulative so she knows how its done, don't fool this bebe), People who hurt the environment, Unsolvable Riddles or Tricks not meant to have a logical or solvable answer
Orientation: Demi
Relationship Status: Single
History: As soon as she could be Sanguin was out on the surface exploring. She finds life interesting and often times likes to study it, everything from how plants grow to how fish move up a stream, weird I know. Although she tries to avoid it at all costs she knows how to use a sword, well, like a small sword, small and hella light compared to many others.
Extra Facts: Choice Weapon is a Xiphos, fighting style is mainly deflection but she is quick enough to get in a few good stabs. She is dangerously light on her feet and never stays in one place too long. Shes quiet and tends not to talk, keeping anyone who isn't of her own species at quite an emotional distance

Archanes  is a Closed Species by the lovely AkumaFox and Azernic

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