


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Lowelle

Age: Unknown (looks 15, kinda immortal)

Species: human (formally), semi-human?

Gender: nonbinary (he/they/her)

Birthday: January 31st

Eye color: unknown (most likely brown)

Hair: black

Skin: olive skin

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110lbs

Personality: Aloof, sarcastic, Understanding, genuine, and resourceful.

- Aloof; They are a very secretive person and comes off as cold. They are distant from the town and became a myth to the town until they see Lowelle walking around at night. They like going into town to hang out with the local mythical creatures or kids if they are out at night.

- Sarcastic; When speaking to adults who seemed to be prejudiced against them, they use a sarcastic tone to their words. When kids are making fun of them, they will just be very honest with their comebacks that its actually scary. They seem to know everyone in the town eventhough they don't come in the town very often.

- Understanding; eventhough being a sarcastic hot-head. They're not dumb, when presented with a reasonable deal or person. They will take it. If a person is coming out to them or just telling them a secret, they will be understanding.

- Genuine; is overly genuine and will give you the facts straight out. Anything they do will most likely genuine.

- Resourceful; living in the woods their whole life. How could they not be?