
5 years, 4 months ago


Age: 2,789 

Age Among Humans: 27

Race: High Demon Lorde/Lust Demon

Powers: Blood Letting - Fae can call to the skin old wounds her enemies have had. She can force them open, and watch her foes bleed. Once she reaches majority, she will be able to make wounds bleed at three times the normal rate. 

             Shadow Bending - Fae can manipulate shadows to her will, using them to hide or teleport for short distances. Once she reaches majority, she will be able to bend shadows into creatures, and make them her puppets to fight for her.

Bio: Faera was born to the third wife of the High Lorde of The Under. A girl born to one of the Kings' many lower level lust demon concubines, she would normally been kept long enough to be wed off as a concubine to one of her fathers nobles, but she had been born with something her two older brothers hadn't. Faera possessed the same shadow bending and blood letting abilities the Kings royal line demanded. She was princess before she was fully fledged in her powers. Her brothers, once princes, were now her commanders, meant to control her armies under her order, once she took the crown. But the High Lord of The Under still had centuries to rules yet, and she, many hundreds of years worth of training to become powerful enough to take the throne and rule The Under.

She was 2,736 years old, only 264 years away from reaching her prime, from taking the throne from her aging father. It was then her brothers staged the coup. They took her father when he was weak, vulnerable, and thought he kept a tidy house. Instead, he was slain by his sons, who had reached majority long before their 'Queen'. She had little choice but to run, since she wouldn't reach her power boost for centuries yet. She took with her, an imp tucked away in a box. She kept this box buried within the heart of her Demon Lorde form. With the aid of some of her supporters, Fae fled to the human realm. She did her best to dim down her 'otherness' as best she could. Demons weren't much welcomed in the human world, even among the non-humans. High Demon Lordes were thought to be a myth. Her brothers people hunted her, while she attempted to lay low, and hide among the other forms that made this realm their home.

For the last fifty-odd years, Faera, along with her imp, Kandi, has learned to blend in, and change location every ten years or so, before anyone started noticing she didn't really age. She'd stop completely for a few thousand years once she hit her prime, but even though she still aged, it was so slow that humans would catch on after a few decades.

Now, Fae tries very hard to be human, but is quite bad at it. She uses glamour of sorts to hide her added appendages from mortal eyes, though most otherkin can see through it. She's managed to keep most of her demonic tendencies to a minimum, resorting to self medicating with a nice dose of medicinal. This makes her a bit ditzy, and slow to anger. But once she lets fury take hold, her true nature shines. Despite her heritage, Faera is determined to blend in with humans, and spends her time either doodling or selling books at the local bookstore she currently owns. 

Appearance: Though Faes' outfits (and even horn style) changes frequently, she will always have the following attributes:

- Four horns (two smaller white on her forehead, and two larger black farther back and to the side)

- Three eyes (two normally placed with one slightly smaller on her forehead. All three have black scleras, with rounded white irises, black pupil)

- Long, down pointed ears (sometimes pierced)

- Long demonic tail (it, like her horns changes as she wishes, specifically in NSFW situations)