


5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Exhu Lenoi
Leafy tree insect
5th of august
Relationship status: 

Personality:  Exhu is a no nonsense type of guy, he values the opinions of others and does his best pass on the morals of right and wrong to his pupils, He is a scholar that loves to teach histories and geography and dislikes when his pupils start to become bored. He is calm and collective at times, always cooling down when a situation angers him ( especially when solar has done something wrong ) and ensures that the situation can be handled diplomatically, always trying to convey his social lessons visually as examples. While he finds pannox's philosophy disturbing he can understand the reasons to it and see why some may choose to follow the same ideology, Cautious of his surroundings and observant he does what he can to protect those under his care.

Likes : Sweet potato and noodle soup, when solar obeys his instructions, the moon, relic keeping an eye on solar, books on Geology and gems, listeners, 

Dislikes: When he's faced with a situation solar caused, lack of hygiene,unnecessary fights, gambling, eggs, arguments that break out.

Backstory: N/A 
( he works for the organisation M.C.R  as a teacher and mentor to Maskerin's under the current headmistress Zole 

has no powers 

Hand to hand combat: is able to defend himself well and is very agile and swift. 

Rapier: very good with a rapier, skilled in formation, leg stance and evasion 

Relationship with:

Solar: Exhu finds Solar one of his most difficult and troublesome pupils but is enlightened by her determination to develop and cope with her trauma well. he looks out for her and ensures when he doesn't that relic does. He often deals with the trouble she creates but otherwise is impressed by her interest to learn to cook, even if she isn't looking forward to cleaning and washing. He values her input and opinions and while he may be harsh with her when it comes down to keeping her maskerin form hidden, he makes it clear that its because she isn't ready  and wants her to be ready before she is able to confront the responsibilities of it. She is proud of her and only wants her to become independent as she can before she leaves the nest

Relic: While exhu views solar as a pupil he views relic as a son to him, he took him under his wing when he found him struggling to retain his form and eventually helped his body deal with the effects, Being a defect he is more protective of Relic then he is of solar and sometimes instructs him to stay by the tent. he's emotions aren't so clear to relic thus sometimes creating a misunderstanding between them. However realising that keeping him by the tent was causing him to be anti-social and timid he allowed him to go supervise solar, trusting him to do the job well. Eventually when Exhu finds a family member of his he finds it hard to let him go. but is ensured that the two will visit when they can. 

Miso: The recent pupil Exhu took in, Miso was insolent and hostile at first glance but after a while began to open up when exhu gave him the time. Exhu convinced Miso that he should make ends meet with his father which miso was unsure at first but then became convinced by. just like relic and solar before him, he began to learn the morals and the extension of his form and to not use it as often and only when the situation calls for it. Until his untimely death at the hands of Miskul and gallack as they were looking for Miso to kill him, Miso carried his philosophy as well as the guilt of the disaster