Amari Mina



5 years, 2 months ago


Personal Data
Amari Mina
Acid Dragon
UA high
Blood Type
Type A
Ramen, Alone time, Attention
Fighting Style
Varies to long range to Melee
Hero's Status

Amari Mina is a student attending UA high in japan, she's a second year student who's known for being kind but quiet, she has one of the most powerful quirks in her class, but also one of the scariest ones, making it hard for her to make friends. She's very unorganised and messy, having heavy eye bags, an unkempt uniform and messy hair. Her fingers in her normal form are also very sharp and pointy. luckily she's very intelligent so her looks don't reflect her academic performance.


Speed boost
She is in general quite fast, even when she isnt using her quirk. But when she is using her qurik, her speed outmatches almost everyone in her class and she becomes very hard to spot at high speed!
Razor claws
Even when her quirk isnt being used, her fingers are incredibly sharp and are similar to dragon claws, which she can use to swipe at people that don't pose too much of a threat.

Acid dragon
Her quirk is a combo of her parents quirks. Her mother had a poison acid quirk, while her dad had a dragon quirk. Her quirk turned out to be one that would let her turn into a dragon that can shoot acid through her mouth and hands. But she can't control the power very well so the only time she use 100% of her quirk is when she's pumping with adrenaline. She can achieve a half form that allows her blood to turn into acid, causing her sclera to turn black. Her arms and legs become very dragon like, increasing her physical ability. She is able to spit acid in that form. A part of her quirk is that she always has a goo tail regardless is her quirk is being used. Amari can chop it up and it'll grow back, her tail cant feel pain when its chopped up, but it can sting her if it makes contact with water but can't be hurt by physical attacks. One of her big weaknesses is water, if she was paired up with someone with a water quirk, she wouldn't last. Her Acid is weak against water and when she's in her half form or full dragon form water making contact with her skin causes her great pain, Similar to water making contact with hot oil, and can leave burn marks when she turns back to normal.
  • Acidic projectiles
    She can eject her acid from her body, Her acid can be ejectected from either her hands, or mouth. She can aim her acid better via her hands, and her acid can shoot pretty far. The acid that comes from her mouth though, is more dangerous than the acid she can produce from her palms. these are what she uses for long range attacks.
Super Moves

Amari hasn't mastered the ability to activate this part of her quirk calmly, as she can only turn into her full form when pumping with adrenaline, and when shes pumping with adrenlaine she doesn't have control over herself, so she goes into a incredibly strong blind rage at whoever shes attacking. The only other time she can activate this part of her quirk is when shes overcome with a strong emotion, but this doesnt happen often, as the first time this happened she was having a temper tantrum as a baby and turned into her full form, which scared the living daylights out of her parents. But even though she has to overcome this large barrier to unlock her true strength, she is currently working hard to activate this form calmy and have control over herself, and shes making incredible progess! soon she should be able to accomplish her goal!
    Her half form is a form that she can activate with ease, in this from her hands and feet tremendously increase in size, and her body takes taking on dragonic qualitys. This is the form that she most regularly uses in battle, as it isnt too straining on her body, and she gets a increible boost in strength and speed. Her forms also specialize in heavy melee damage.

Nagai Kami | Best friend
She has a very close relationship with Nagai Kami, as she helped Amari with her social anxiety and opened her up to more people. Amari feels the most comfortable around Nagai, which says something, and even Amari confines in Nagai and likes to get differing opinions on things she's dealing with. Although their personalities appear like they would clash, they get along incredibly well, they balance each other out and confide in each other. A funny thing about their relationship though is that Amari has to deal with Nagai gush about her crush and it's pretty entertaining.
tba | Relationship
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tba | Relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu non sodales neque sodales.