
5 years, 4 months ago


"It only takes one to deliver a message."



Female (She/they) . Lizardfolk . 31

1.81 M
About 85 KG


A ranger from the deep stalker conclave Agaresk is a master of stealth. Preferring to pick off her targets from a safe distance with her longbow she's quite cautious. Though she is knowlegable of the customs and traditions of humans she is still not one to let good meat go to waste. She is however aware that nobody should have to know if she chooses to scavange from less.. acceptable sources. As lizardfolk go she is quite sociable and not as strange to the world of humans as most other lizardfolk would be. She sees less value in money and prefers to trade instead of sell or pay for goods and services. Generally her actions are motivated by such things: she won't help someone unless she sees that there is something to be gained for her.

Her story

Agaresk grew up on the streets in one of the more isolated cities of her area. Having been separated from her clan she was simply looking for a safe place to survive. She found that the city had less of her natural predators than the nearby forests and stuck to the streets rather than the forest for most of her younger years. There she learned the ways of man, what they did and dd not find acceptable and how to make sure she wasn't chased away shortly after arriving. The people of the city had a lot of strange habits that made her suppress her natural instincts; people don't like it when you eat their pets or dead family, however much of a waste it was to just bury perfectly good meat in the gound. She learned to pick pockets and locks from others who lived on the street. She never got to fully trust anyone and there were people who did hunt her for one reason or another. Most people weren't quite comfortable with the young lizardfolk roaming their back alleys.

When Agaresk got older she took more and more to the forest near the city, at first she returned to the city for the night but overtime she strayed further into the woods and eventually didn't return to the city anymore. She met a small clan of dragonborn in these forests who took her in for a while. Seeing she was a bit too skinny and small to be wielding their great weapons she instead learned to use the bow and arrow. They thought her their language and she had a nack for hunting. Being far more nimble and silent than the big dragonborn they were amazed with the types of prey she could take down without them even noticing she was there. Agaresk eventually split from the dragonborn again to venture off alone. Now an adult she returned to cities and made quick buck there as a bounty hunter and travel guide, allowing her to buy proper tools and weapons.
