Rosalie Baver



5 years, 5 months ago


Name:  Rosalie Baver
Age: 6 (Birthday: June 23rd)
Short Description: The Lost Child

Nickname: Rose, Little Miss
Birthday: June 23rd
Zodiac: Cancer
Occupation: None
Gender: Female
Blood type: A
   Father† [Eloi Baver]
   Mother† [Daphne Baver-Flouriot]
   Uncle [Émile Flouriot]
   Uncle [Basile Flouriot]
   Aunt [Marjorne Flouriot-Lau]
   Grandfather† [Gregory Baver]
Physical Description: 3'11, Light blue eyes, Blonde/Strawberry blonde long hair. After meeting in the Vampire house her hairstyles tend to get more even and well done, but while she travels with the Priest things tend to get more lopsided and one-sided.
   She has a small scratch on the top of her right hand that doesn’t seem to finish healing. Rosalie is known to always carry around a large stuffed bear and will cry if they are separated against her will, though a few people have been able to separate them out for at least a few hours. She prefers to go shoeless in the house and in soft grass, but will wear them without a fuss if asked.
Likes: Cherry candies, her teddy bear, honey-tea right before naptime, this little coloring book Cecilia gave her last time the two ran into each other (it’s full of Grisham-drawn monsters, but she still passes it off as a coloring book thanks to some glitter crayons), Walter’s coat, her Aunt’s calissons, flower gardens
Dislikes: pitch black rooms, heavy thunderstorms, coffee/bitter drinks, onions
Strengths/Weaknesses: No ‘real’ strength to really speak of, save for her ability to dart underfoot without really being seen by the adults.
   Her bear, however, outwardly seems to have something wrong with it. Walter has his suspicions, Grisham has his own, but neither can quite figure out how to fix the 'problem’.

   Ongoing Story

   Rosalie is one big case of wrong place wrong time.
   After her mother died when she was four, Rosalie was left living with her father Eloi in France. That is, until her father moved to America to be closer to his father who was living alone in Maine. All was going well for all of a few months until old demons from her grandfather’s past came up. The old man was doomed to die on his 60th birthday and he was close-coming up on it, having turned 59 earlier that year. Rosalie’s father found out, and attempted to get rid of the curse on his own.
   Her father only made things worse while trying to fix the situation, and in the end her uncle Émile over in France caught wind and called up an old friend in the priesthood to fix the situation. The priest arrived and Rosalie hid in the far corner of the building as the exorcism was attempted, hugging a plush toy bear her grandfather had given her. Things went south in a hurry and before she knew it, she was whisked out of a burning building by the priest.
   Her father and grandfather now dead, along with her mother, Rosalie had nowhere in the states to go and had to be returned to France to stay with her second uncle Basile and his wife. Except, almost all at once, the Priest Walter and the girl seemed to be stuck in a never-ending sea of bad luck. Communications were cut off, they had no money–
   and worse, they had to travel from Maine down south to hunt down the Priest’s friend who he said could help– or, well, that’s what she assumed he said. Father Walter’s French wasn’t that great. She was 6 and she seemed to know more words than he did– but maybe he did know more and his accent was just too harsh for her.


x   Her favorite color is pink and she has a habit of picking up shining objects she finds on the ground and in the grass. Most of the time it’s nothing more than a few coins but sometimes it’s jewelry, or a tooth, or the stray shell of a bullet that had been fired long ago.

x   Of the Father’s friend group, her favorite person is probably the younger girl with the flute. She’s nice, and tends to give her sweets, and while they share no common-language she’s at least patient enough to try to learn and teach the basics. Rosalie’s also fond of the redheaded girl who hangs around the man Walter once called Grisham, but she’s not fond of the man himself since he comes off as a little scary.
   The tall man who owns the home in the swamps is scary, but he can speak French clearly, and is one of the only people she’s had a 'full’ conversation with since her father died. His puppy friend, too, she has yet to catch his name but the man with dark skin brings her fruit teas and desserts that aren’t as good as the ones her Aunt makes but she’s thankful all the same with enough manners not to tell him so.

x   The bear she carries holds the spirit of the creature that cursed her grandfather and murdered her family, laying in dormant wait and stalking the bloodline. It wants the girl to make up for the grandfather’s soul that it lost, but she’s too young and too weak now for it to do anything with her body. After puberty, maybe, when she’s old enough to have a body that can fight. But oh, the pull from the cursed man in the vampire’s cellar, that might be enough to help wake the bear-beast up without the girl’s help.