Aspen's Comments

I can swap with anyone in my th! Only off limits being chevelle and miata :) roach & everyone in for sale is all open <3

Anyone in my th?

Would you take payment plans

hey ! possibly, ive nevr rly done it before , also sorry for the late response !

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ah theyre super cute but i dont really connect with them, im sorry !

Hello are they still for sale or trade?


Can you message me then! Interested in making a private offer !

hey ! i messaged ^^

would anyone here interest you? i can also add on from my partners sales and storage [only "mine" folder, 470 frog, and pending are off limits]. i can also offer these specific designs: 1/2/3/4/5 --- or my art!

im sorry i didnt see anyone i connected with ;; thank u for your interest though !!

Someone from my th maybe?

im sorry i didn't see any i connected with, tysm for offering though !


does anyone in my th interest you outside the forever homed/no tradesell tags?

ah i’m sorry i didn’t see anyone i connected to :<

Weird question-
how do you get the lock/unlock icon next to aspens name?

set the viewing permissions to “only logged in users” ^^

oh ok tysm!

would anyone from my sale/trade interest you?

i can do multiples + artwork

anyone from my th? my fursonas are offlimits?

sorry i couldn't see anyone!

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probably not i'm sorry ;.;

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aa that’s very tempting, if you were to do the scumpnk design + the tbn design i favourited (i hope that one is alright since they were in sonas folder ;;) how much would be on the payment plan? 

aa that’s very tempting, if you were to do the scumpnk design + the tbn design i favourited (i hope that one is alright since they were in sonas folder ;;) how much would be on the payment plan? 

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ahh i’m sorry i’m really unsure on this offer as i’m very very tent on this character, if i change my mind at some point though i’ll let you know <3 thanks sm for offering! 

1 Replies

Anyone in my TH? I'm tent on kayo and Harmony but thats it! :o

I'm sorry, i didn't see anyone i connected with :( 

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see anybody in my TH?

Sorry didn't see anyone