


5 years, 3 months ago



I can't go without the feeling of your flesh upon my teeth

Name Rukojō Rei
Kanji 六条麗
Age Unknown, physically 19
Pronouns She/Her
Species Hari onago
Ability Prehensile hair
Status Living
Theme People Eater

under construction! check back later!


Eye Color Amber
Skintone #fff8f1
Hair Color Blonde
Hair Style Long; twin tails

Voice HC: "Hee hee, you're even weirder than me." (JP)

Hari onago (針女子 meaning "hook girl") gain their namesake from their prehensile hair. Rather than being structured of keratine, the hair of a hari onago is formed of thin, needle-like barbs that grow in sharpness and thickness as the hair lengthens. The barbs that make up the hari onago's hair are incredibly fine, and it is difficult to tell their true nature from a distance.

Rei's hair long and sandy blonde, kept in twin tails that, notably, form into false arms. These false arms are equipped with talismens and red rope. Rei's false hands, resembling claws, bare mouths on each of their palms. Two pink horns sit on Rei's forehead.

Rei's bizarre appearance continues with her eyes; along with a pair of regular amber eyes, Rei possesses additional eyes on her forehead, legs, and her belly. Another pair is located on the backs of her false hands.

Rei wears a black sailor seifuku with a red tie. Rei's ankles and left arm are wrapped in loose bandages.

Design Notes

  • Rei's anomalous eyes are the same amber color as her normal eyes.
  • Rei wears heavy red eyeshadow.
  • The tags around Rei's anomalous arms are paper ofuda tags. Text on the tags can be changed or made into symbols instead.



there's nothing here!


  • The character used to spell Rei (麗) means "beautiful". The surname Rukojō (六条) is inspired by Lady Rokujō of Japanese folklore.
  • Rei will not hesitate to sock someone in the face with her freaky hair-hands.

Magic and Abilities

Prehensile Hair

Hari onago (針女子 meaning "hook girl") such as Rei are named for their ability to quite literally hook objects and people with their prehensile hair. Rather than being structured of keratine, the hair of a hari onago is formed of thin, needle-like barbs; their easily manipulative hair is used not only practically, but makes for a volatile weapon in dire circumstances.

Rei's makeshift "arms", or false arms, display elasticity to a degree, as well; however, the lengths her hair can reach is limited to a few meters.

The ofuda talismans wrapped around Rei's false arms are a means of containing her magic. Without them, Rei would have little control, if any, over her hair as it would essentially have a mind of its own. This is due in part to Rei's youth and inexperience.

Anomalous Eyes

Rei has several additional functioning eyes; they are located on her forehead, belly, legs, and on the backs of her false hands. Each of Rei's additional eyes are fully functional, and allow her to see objects hidden from the naked eye. This typically consists of spirits and other monsters who may be disguising their true forms.

In order for this ability to work, Rei must close her non-anomalous eyes. Additionally, this ability works primarily via the eye located on Rei's forehead; Rei's other anomalous eyes have far less than 20/20 vision.

Anomalous Mouths

In addition to her additional eyes, Rei has two extra mouths located on the palms of each of her false hands. These mouths aren't for eating, and instead serve a rather strange purpose; these mouths form a portal from one mouth to the other, allowing Rei to redirect projectiles or anything else she desires to, provided it will fit.

The false teeth in Rei's anomalous mouths are an extension of her barbed hair, and are not made of enamel like a normal set of teeth.

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