


5 years, 4 months ago


Notes version of her bio: 

  • Born to two cats not in love - Tulipface and Bearclaw. 
  • Bearclaw doesn't love Tulipface, but Tulipface ADORES Bearclaw. Bearclaw is gay-not-gay for a tom named Eeltail, who he spends all his time and concentration on. 
  • Bearclaw essentially forgets he has 3 kids with Tulipface and breaks her heart 
  • Tulipface's heart isn't done being broken, no sir
  • Tulipface gives birth to 3 beautiful kits, Ivykit, Pikekit, and Beetlekit
  • Ivykit gets sick shortly after being born
  • A mysterious illness, not even the medicine cat (Meadowflower) knows how to cure 
  • Meadowflower catches the illness quickly, and even though she's in the middle of training her apprentice Mudpaw, she decides that in order to stop the disease from spreading, she has to leave her clan 
  • But that's a tough choice for Ivykit to make - abandon her family and die almost alone, or stay and get everyone sick? No child should have to make that choice
  • In the middle of debating over what should be done, Ivykit offers to leave the clan with Meadowflower
  • The two leave, promising Tulipface that they'll return if they find a cure, leaving her half-trained apprentice to become the medicine cat 
  • They never return. But until the day she dies, Tulipface waits at the entrance of the cave they call home hoping to see her calico kit trot up to the entrance 
  • Pikekit and Beetlekit, now apprentices, work hard every day 
  • Pikepaw is lazy and isn't catching on one bit, but Beetlepaw wants to earn her father's approval and her mentor (robinbelly)'s praise. 
  • Beetlepaw has every intention of becoming leader one day, to finally make her mother smile again 
  • Pikepaw grows lazier every day 
  • Eventually, he doesn't show up for training 
  • Beetlepaw hunts him down herself, and finds him in a twoleg's nest, rolling and begging for treats and belly rubs 
  • Rather than admit that her brother became a kittypet, she tells her clan he was killed by a monster on the thunderpath 
  • Tulipface's depression from losing two kits eventually kills her, as she stops eating
  • Beetlepaw earns her warrior name, Beetlestrike, for her fantastic fighting skill 
  • Beetlestrike's entire personality is her ability to always think ahead 
  • Whatever you're doing, you're doing exactly what she expected you to 
  • Always, always one step ahead 
  • A she-cat named Milkpelt gives birth to kits - it's her 4th liter, all previous ones having died 
  • This liter is full of grotesque abnormalities 
  • a dead kit with 3 limbs
  • a dead kit with one eye 
  • a live kit with 4 ears, entirely deaf, barely able to see 
  • this kit is named tinykit. the clan immediately gets to talking. this is a curse from starclan. but why? what has caused this to happen? 
  • Mudspots is quickly given an answer 
  • their ancestors, to make it short, told them they need to quit fucking their siblings 
  • Mountain Clan? More like INCEST CLAN, ALABAMA 100 
  • Hey, silverfrost, if you had to save your mate or your sister, who would you choose? "BOTH, BECAUSE THEYRE THE SAME PERSON :)" 
  • It's decided that they'll invite insiders 
  • no one takes Streamstar seriously on this lol 
  • bullshit, ain't breakin' the warrior code 
  • A young tom stumbles onto their territory, calling himself Marvin 
  • Looking lifeless. Desolate. 
  • He's given Beetlestrike as a mentor 
  • The clan is in shock, but Beetlestrike bonds with him as though he was her own kit 
  • Beechpaw becomes Beechnose and it's the proudest moment in Beetlestrike's whole life 
  • The current deputy is showing his age. Lightningwhisker, an old tom, is asked to retire and he graciously does, to be replaced by Beetlestar 
  • A few moons later, twolegs stumble upon their den 
  • They take an apprentice, graypaw, and an elder, sootfoot
  • The clan scatters and meets up at their sacred place, a large tree that had been split by lightning with a new tree inside of it. 
  • They ask Star Clan what to do and for a few days, they stay there and sleep there. 
  • Star Clan tells them they need to find a new Mountain home and gave them directions to the one they had to choose 
  • Star Clan DID NOT tell them that this spot was taken >:/ 
  • incoming jerks from Fern Clan. They stumble onto Fern Clan territory, weak, tired, sore, hungry, looking for a place to stay 
  • after negotiations, a decision is made. they'll stay in the mountain cave there. 
  • They get to work re-building their lives, and finding a new normal while being bullied by Fern Clan 
  • note about beechnose: he. is. a. whore. He's got his eye on fucking everyone. 
  • He has kits with Pidgeonheart twice and Honeyspots once
  • honeyspots is a little crazy obsessed with him, but whatever 
  • He's been putting moves on a taken she-cat from Fern Clan, and her mate has had enough
  • one day he gets a little too ballsy and gets close to the border, and her mate Brindlestone accidentally murders him 
  • he manages to drag himself to camp where he dies with Beetlestar and Honeyspots by his side 
  • Beetlestar just snaps 
  • she loved him like a son, and now he was gone 
  • the first impulse decision she'd ever made in her life would be her last one 
  • She leaves for the fern clan border and takes dusthawk, her deputy i forgot to mention, with her. dusthawk begs her to go back. they can't handle more loss. but she doesn't listen. she attacks and kills the first fern clan cat she sees 
  • and shortly after, both she and dusthawk are dead. dusthawk dies first of course, but beetlestar has her remaining 6 lives taken from her while fighting 
  • this is the start of the Fern Clan / Mountain Clan war that lasts a few years, further damaging the clan relationships until several generations down the line 
  • no one ever forgets