


8 years, 2 months ago


  • Name: Bonnie
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5'2 or 158cm
  • Species: Pink Bunny
  • Relantionships: Ichiyo (GF~ <3 )
  • Loves: Handcrafting Anything (her special skill), Homemade Foods
  • Personality: caring, considerate, girly, clumsy, faithful, loyal, loves to have fun and help

Bonnie loves to do handcrafts, so she loves to get fresh materials for her creations. One day she went to one of the flower flieds of her town that was near the mountain and in that faithful day she met Ichiyo. It was the first time Bonnie had ever met such a mystical and beautiful creature like Ichiyo before, in that same time it was love at first sight as well for Bonnie~ She was more than happy to be able to befriend Ichiyo, and would met everyday to get to know each other better until their relantionship develop to one of love. Bonnie loves and adores Ichiyo with all her heart and would be more than happy to do anything for her, hence she making homemade sakura treats for her cute fox girlfriend for each time they would met~ =w= She's also very loyal and faithful to her beloved. Only accepting Ichiyo's request of not going to the mountains alone since its very dangerous to reach Ichiyo's shrine, so Ichiyo would be the one to always met up with Bonnie since it's eaiser and safer this way for her.

Despite being very talented with her hands with all her handcrafts she can also be clumsy with said hands, so she can be seen with bandaids and whatnot on her hands but that never stops her from making more handcrafts since its her passion after all. She was the one that made Ichiyo's necklace as a gift; and the necklace she wears is also a gift from Ichiyo.