


5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Tidepool

Species: Dragon

Tribe: Seawing

Gender: Female

Colours: Pale blues and greens, pastel pink, lil bit of orange, deep blue/purple eyes

Personality: Quiet, timid, insecure, will ‘just shut up’, if someone cut her off mid sentence she would be too embarrassed to start again/continue, pretty emotional but good at keeping tears in until she can let everything out, probably won’t give her input/opinion in a conversation

Backstory: Tidepool never met her father (he either ran off with another Seawing or got killed in the war who knows). Her mother wasn’t really involved with her or her older brother and were more concerned about getting Queen Coral to notice her and her job. Tidepool’s family was a pretty low/middle class family sometimes her and her brother struggled for food because her mother was never home and always at work during the day and almost always out partying/sleeping with random Seawings during the night. Her brother was overall pretty caring for her but of course all teenagers have a tendency to ‘need time alone’ so it was overall really hard on the poor dragonets. Eventually, after her brother sacrificing 3 days worth of his food to her and their mother hadn’t been seen since they had to go speak to some higher ups, let’s just say their mother didn’t take too kindly to this (pretty much leaving them for longer periods of time). Being an already quite a quiet dragonet, her parents not being present causing her to lack social skills made it harder for her at school/making new friends.

Crush: Fennec maybe? (Thinking of making a love triangle between her Shimmer and Fennec even though you guys know he’s gonna be with Shimmer because I’m mean)

Her tag is #tidepool_wof