


8 years, 2 months ago



"It’s going to be a regular fuckfest around here."


Β  Basics

Felix Devlin
Vegas, Boss
28 years old
Himalayan Wolf
Pansexual Polygamous
Illegal club-casino owner
Las Vegas, Nevada
Theme Song:
Vegas Lights

Β  Personality

Vegas is all being on the party. He's a happy-go-lucky type of guy, although keeping his snarky attitude close by. He doesn't let anyone walk on his feet, and is always sure make this very clear. When people think they can get away messing with his business, may it be cheating or

Β  Appearance

As a kit, her flashy red pelt distinguished her from the rest of the children. Her bright blue eyes are framed by freckles, which unfortunately got her to be bullied a lot in school. More spots started to grow on her body as she grew up, much to her dismay, and she often tries her best to hide them to public eye. Her dark navy blue hair are often, if not always, tied in pigtails; when she's more cozy, she'll pull her hair up in a messy bun, but she rarely ever let her hair loose. Mabel is always wearing a ladybug necklace that Ansel gifted to her, as well as red earrings.

Β  Likes

  • Girls
  • Party
  • Drugs
  • Money
  • Alcohol
  • Gambling

Β  Dislikes

  • Cheaters
  • Bullies
  • Losing her phone
  • Being late to class
  • Burning baked goods
  • Being the center of attention

Β  Backstory

Mabel was born in Paris from a French father and a Chinese mother. She had a childhood filled with love and care, growing with her best friend Ansel. Due to being pretty shy in elementary school, she often kept to herself or stayed around Ansel, finding a liking for drawing that quickly drew into her main hobby. As she grew, she started to turn this hobby into a passion, and in-between helping her parents at the bakery store, she knew she wants to be a fashion designer when she was older.Β 

Once in high school, Mabel became a target of bullying, mostly due to her dark freckles and her clumsiness. While she found it annoying after it made a dent in her self-esteem, she never let it affect her more than it should, and always stood to the bullies before going back to Ansel. She kept following her designing path and even got a couple contract, learning to sew her own creations. Over the years, her creativity started to make her more and more lost in time and daydream more often, causing her to arrive late to class quite often, unfortunately getting the attention of the bullies everytime and earning a few muffled words and laughs in her back.

As another year of school began, a new student from China, Kayli, was introduced. They immediately became friends, bonding over both being Chinese. Turned out that Kayli also wanted to be a fashion designer, and so they became even closer. Kayli quickly noticed how close Ansel and Mabel were, and asked if they were dating. Mabel flushed and denied the claim, making Kayli laugh at her reaction. The rest of the day, it trotted in her mind. She thought about Ansel until at night in her bed, where she finally came to the realization, crap, she has a crush on her childhood best friend. The next day, she was heavily awkward around Ansel.

It kept being weird for the next few days, up to a month. She started blushing when he play-flirted, tensed up when he would touch her, avoid eye contact at best as she could. Mabel decided to talk to Kayli about it, and aside from her victorious ''I knew it!'', she decided to try and help Mabel to admit her feelings to her friend. One day, during a normal conversation with Ansel, he suddenly stopped talking, staring at. Since it was very unusual of her chatty friend, she asked in concern if he was okay, even looking behind her see if something surprised him. To her confusion, he simply excused himself and left. The next day, he started being awkward too. From growing up with playful flirting and lots of cuddling, they now barely flirted, barely looked at each others in the eyes and Mabel would freeze like ice whenever they came in contact.

Concerned about her friendship, which caused her to lack inspiration for her work, she turned to Kayli again for advice. Kayli, being certain that it simply meant Ansel liked Mabel too, grinned ear to ear and told her she needed to break the ice and confess to him. After a lot of convincing, Mabel finally agreed. The next day, at school, Mabel called out for Ansel and caught up to him, telling him she had something to tell him. Under his curious gaze, she started to blush heavily, looking away, and her words came out as a complete mess. She finally shut up after excusing herself, Kayli, having been nearby the whole time, simply yelled at her to kiss him. In a rush of panic, Mabel's instincts took over and she kissed Ansel, her face flushing bright red. Awkward at first, it felt more natural when he returned the kiss, and when they broke apart, she blinked at him as he covered his face. Once Kayli's cheering was over, it was dead quiet, until Ansel finally spoke, saying he's glad he's not crazy and that the feeling is requited. Mabel froze completely again, her heart racing, until Ansel looked at her, asking her if she'd like to try and date.

The comfortable feeling was back, and they started being flirty and cuddly again, as if nothing had changed.Β 

Over the years, her designs gained more and more success, and as she cared for her parents' bakery store, she achieved her dream and started her own line, which she called Ladybug.

Β  Relationships

5621618_yy5NYsbETHpepQ1.pngTonic Collins β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… Friend/Business partner
Mabel and Ansel have been friends for as long as she can remember. They grew up together and continue to do so, and Mabel would rather stab her leg than lose him. He holds her dark secret, teasing her with the nickname Ladybug, and would rather stab himΒ than have anyone know about it. She calls or texts him first when things go wrong, and will always be there for him right back. They encourage each other's hobby. When she realized she felt love for him, her world changed, but turned right again when she learned it was required. They grew even closer, and Mabel wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with him.
5621803_JTvHqYLOmv7sRJM.pngGamila Dakarai β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† Close friend/Business partner
Sharing the same hobby, Kayli and Mabel instantly became friend when Kayli moved in from China and was new at school. They often share ideas and spend a lot of time together gossiping about school drama and latest rumors.
5621716_IYmKEldan6iYJxg.pngVelvet β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† Guard pet
Sharing the same hobby, Kayli and Mabel instantly became friend when Kayli moved in from China and was new at school. They often share ideas and spend a lot of time together gossiping about school drama and latest rumors.
5621746_rPVTml8dRLDbBYw.pngJarvis β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† Bodyguard
Sharing the same hobby, Kayli and Mabel instantly became friend when Kayli moved in from China and was new at school. They often share ideas and spend a lot of time together gossiping about school drama and latest rumors.
rel1.pngGamila Dakarai β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† Best friend
Sharing the same hobby, Kayli and Mabel instantly became friend when Kayli moved in from China and was new at school. They often share ideas and spend a lot of time together gossiping about school drama and latest rumors.

Β  Misc.

  • While being pansexual, he still has a preference for girls. He has no shame in surrounding himself in prostitutes. (But he treats them like queens.)
  • The black markings in his face are fake, being black paint that shines different colours under the blacklights of his club. There's other invisible markings in his face that also shines under the light, giving the appearance of something like a sugar skull.