Devvix Aethos



5 years, 4 months ago



You are not a normal prupleblood you are THE purpleblood. You are the man in charge of keeping those in your caste in check and you are good at your job. You invest in businesses and stock and do your best to make as much money as possible. You worry about wasting your TIME doing other thing but you can’t help it sometimes. You secretly enjoy the PIANO you are good at playing it but you often find that it wastes your time. You don’t have a lot of friends you are jealous of the members of the GARDENING CLUB which is located next to your home at the home of your neighbor VIDEZY. You don’t have friends but you have a matesprit, TAXXON is the person you see the most, often coming to visit you after the GARDENING club meetings. You love taxxon and you fear the day that his Ordeals come around and he is sequestered to the jade colony. Hopefully one day you can DESTROY the system the keeps him apart from you so you can have him near at all times. In your future you hope to be a BUSINESS SUBBJUGLATOR controlling resources and managing people, it’s what you’re best and and it’s what you love.

Chumhandle/Trollian: PendulumsChord

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StrifeSpecibus: Cleaverkind