Jhanna Tenost



5 years, 3 months ago



You’re the personal servant for the heiress PROELI and to be honest you like your job! Your boss is the muscly spartan warrior you dream of sweeping you off your feet. Serving your mistress is a fair and easy task for you, your organized and neat nature makes you a great servant and an even better secretary. You are a proper lady and you make sure you are dressed as a servant should for the guests who come see your mistress. In your free time you complete SUDOKU puzzles and play different tycoon games on your mistress’ husktop when she isn’t looking as well as training with your mistress, she gets to wrestle you but you get to be wrestled by her. You have some friends though you aren’t on the mainland except for the local GARDENING CLUB meetings that your mistress drags you along to but you are happy to go. Your job there is to help proeli pot new plants and watch her do heavy lifting but you are also good at making sure the plants in the house have enough LIGHT. You want to keep serving your mistress and maybe influence her into destroying the hemo-caste system once she becomes a great strong leader. You hope you can CHANGE her for the better. 

Chumhandle: LiminalChamomile

Modus: Solar modus (must let thing gain solar energy to retrieve

Typing quirk: spells most thing phonetically

Strife specibus: Swordkind