Iron'na Henka



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Iron'na (Air-own-uh) Henka

Gender: female

Height: 5'5

Age: 16 and a half

Birthday: WIP

Quirk: Shapeshifter

- she is able to shapeshift into any animal for a certain amount of time. If she stays as a certain animal for too long she ends up keeping a physical trait of it. Hence why she has a flesh colored iguana tail and paw pads on her hands as well as claws she cant get rid of. she has to know the anatomy of the animal she wants to become, can't become something too big and frequent and fast changes leave her with muscle fatigue.

Personality: She is forgetful and a bit of an air head. Remains blissfully unaware to many things, if she didn't have such a good quirk she probably wouldn't have made it into a high school.

Backstory: Her quirk shown up when she turned 3, playing with the family dog, her parents turned around and when they looked back there was no longer 1 dog but 2, though this new one had the color of their daughter's hair. When she turned 5, Iron'na and her parents were having fun in town when she saw the birds flying and saw it looked very fun... SO! NATURALLY! She shifted into a bird and flew with them. Her parents went into a panic, not being able to find her and she went missing for a while. Her parents searched and sent out people to find their daughter and after about 3 days, some people found her lost in the next town over. Since then they have kept their eyes on her at all times in case she gets lost again, even resulting in putting her on a leash and harness that can change with her forms (lol)