


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Alé

Gender: Female

Personality Overview: Outgoing, Flirty, Loyal, Stubborn, Optimistic

Physical Description: Dark blue hair (dyed) swept to the left (viewer's right) and tied in a semi-high ponytail; has an undershave around her head (left, right, back). Undershave has been dyed blue as well but tends to show her black roots. Eyes are dark blue, skin is tan-ish. Wears a sleeveless black leather jacket with a black tank top underneath. Her sunglasses are just your typical black sunglasses, but they're optional apparel. Tends to wear dark blue, almost black, jeans. Other times, it's just black jeans. For shoes, she wears black hiker boots that are similar to what sneakers would look like.

As a resident of Stardew Valley, Alé acts as a farmer, miner, and a combatant for the majority of her time. Naturally, if her fellow farm-mates need her to act as another occupation for the day, she can and will. Due to all this physical labor, Alé finds herself on the more strong and slightly muscly side of the female spectrum, of which she prides herself best in her abs. 

Enjoys causing slight chaos by flirtatiously teasing the local bachelorettes of Stardew, but seems to really enjoy talking with Leah and Abigail.