Virginia 'Ginny' Woods



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Virginia ‘Ginny’ Woods
Age: 17

Monster Parent: The Flatwoods Monster
Killer Style: I favour a cutting-edge blend of boohemian haunt couture and futuristic fashions. I don’t aim to blend in, I was born to stand out.
Freaky Flaw: Some of my classmates have complained that my perfume is a tad overpowering - or that I posess an overly inflated ego. They’re simply jealous, I can tell that much. 

Pet: Braxton ‘Braxie’ is my a-gore-able owl, but be careful, as cute and cuddly as he may look he packs quite the bite for an unsuspecting monster.
Favorite Activity: I’m quite fond of observing the night sky; astrology and meterology have been a fascination of mine since I was a pupa.
Biggest Pet Peeve: I’m no mere monster, I’m a cryptid, darling, we’re a class all of our own. 

Favorite School Subject: Science
Least Favorite School Subject: Physical Deaducation, as hovering is apparently unacceptable for partaking in physical activities.
Favorite Color: Silver and Forest Green
Favorite Food: Lemon Detox Water
BFF's: My fellow cryptids Bobbi Moore and Missy Momo, obviously. Iris Clops and I also share the ocassional conversation about astrology but she’s more of an acquaintance than a beastie.