Dandy Darling



5 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Dandy Darling

AKA: Dandy

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Half human, Bunny.

Dandy is a very outgoing, very happy and cheerful guy. Loves to make friends, loves social events, and loves meeting people. Is a bit loud and easily excited, but knows when to calm down and be serious. 

Dandy works in the adult film industry, but has also taken a couple of acting jobs in movies and TV. Will only not take part of reality TV if it's drama focused. Dandy is a big advocate for LGBT+ rights and will join in pride as a motivational speaker and a big patron for parades. Comes from quite a wealthy family who will happily support his cause along side him. 

Has a beautiful fiance who he's in crazy in love with called Patchwerk. A man created from different bodies as an experiment by an unknown creator. Dandy is currently living with him.