Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

This account contains characters, art, and descriptions that may not be appropriate for some viewers. 
Including but not limited to:
gore, body horror, phobias, violence, negative mental health aspects, substance abuse, illness, death, and 
more intense topics like cults, murderers, or corrupted religion.
They should all be tagged and filtered properly, however
Viewer discretion is still advised
If something is not tagged or filtered properly please ask me to update it. And I will always do so
My characters help in aiding my mental health. So I ask that they be treated with respect and handled with care. As well as some of them may contain sensitive themes that need to be handled with care regardless.
I am ok with gift/fan art unless it is stated otherwise on their page. Some of them may be complex to draw so I am always able to provide aid.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

I have characters, art, and descriptions in here that may not be appropriate for some viewers.
Including but not limited to:

body horror
mental health

substance abuse

Viewer discretion is advised


I ask that you also be respectful of my content and not rip it off or steal it in any form. Everything in here is super important to me. Especially my sonas, comfort ocs, and vent ocs.      
I do always take action against any theft of my content

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!