balor's Comments

Would anyone here interest you in trade?

im sorry, no one interested me :(((

would anyone here interest you for a trade? :0

i can also offer art ! these are my most recent examples !

I'd be willing to take art for him c:

how many pieces are you looking for? :D i can likely do 3-4 busts in one day or 1 fullbody across 1-2 days!

I'd love some busts of a few characters! Warning: Seth has nsfw art in his gallery but it's under an nsfw sub gallery and it's all marked appropriately so it can be avoided c: if you're uncomfortable with drawing him anyways, I can choose a different character for ya!

sorry for the late response, i would love to draw them !! i’ll get started tomorrow, and i’ll upload the finished products on their profiles as i finish! ^^

Sweeet thank you!

just finished all the drawings and uploaded them!

Sweeeet sorry for my delay in response!  I'll transfer him right now

hello accept art trade I leave you my instagram available

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Ty! Hit me up if you're ever interested in buying them!

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