♡♡ Ivan ♡♡



5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Ivan L Matthews

Nickname: Ivy, Van, Ponytail (One of his former coworkers)

Age: 24

Gender: Male (boi)

Species: Human (Former), Anthro Oryx (Current)

Birthday: November 22


A shy boy Ivan is softspoken and quiet scared of conversation and easy to upset he takes things the wrong way most times and will feel really down about it until its explained to him and then he just gets embarrassed about assuming wrong and being unable to come up and talk about it. Ivan has a soft heart doing  kind things because it feels nice even if hes very skittish he will always try to offer some sort of help even if it winds up getting him into shenanigans such as getting a cold in the rain when he was taking food to an animal shelter or  getting a broken leg when assisting his  fellow coworkers on site lifing things he couldnt carry. Ivan has a passion for science mainly trying to find cures to various diseases or ways to help further the progression of science as a whole he dedicates a lot of  his time to this maybe too much at times its one of his passions though and he loves it. Ivan is most happy when hes silently able to enjoy time working on stuff that hes passionate about and  before his incident he would be found humming and smiling as he worked on his projects. Overall Ivan is a  skittish quiet guy with a soft demeanor and heart who just wants to  do good things even if it ends up hurting him at times.

After the incident that turned him into an Oryx he is more anxious and easy to spook however he keeps that kindness in his heart albeit he has more moments of crying and  breaking down. He mentally tends to get a little overwhelmed and will need some sort of stimulation to calm him down most of the time being allowed to write and  read keeps him calm. Ivan holds great disdain for the persont hat did this to him and will glare at them behind their back but face to face he will not react simpy looking away with upset trying to keep it together when he really just wants to cry and  scream. Ivan does retain his overall skittish quiet demeanor he just has more stress now comapred to before.

Fun Facts:

1.) Ivan always wears a ponytail  it makes him feel good and keeps his hair out of his face due to his former job as a lab assistant t was always safer to keep his hair back.

2.) Ivan is diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder he is being treated for it but doesnt quite know what to do when the medicine doesnt work well.

3.) Ivan would volunteer at an animal shelter and a zoo in his spare time he had a huge passion for this and loved to help all of the animals as best he could.

4.) Ivan's predicament as a  human transformed into an oryx anthro ha caused him to develop even more anxiety as he has to adjust to a body that feels like his but also doesnt.

5.) Ivan has a slight dream to sing he hides that fact about him as he doesnt feel confident or secure enough to do it  so he hums but he has been in a chorus before though he chickened out when it came to performing in front of others.

6.) Ivan loves video games in his spare time playing them and   learning about various strategys to beat them he did have a  youtube channel where he would record his playtroughs  with no commentary but the day he did decide to do commentary a lot of people wanted to hear him more despite his constant stuttering.

7.) Ivan likes the taste of vanilla bean anything and also chocolate he is weak for it and will blush and eat it with a huge smile on his face.

8.) Ivan loves the sound of pianos they relax him and most music he listens to has them in it.

9.) Ivan was originally born in Russia before he moved with his parents when he was in highschool he has a bit of an accent to him due to his upbringing.

10.) Ivan has needlephobia and will actively pass out if forced to take needles into his body.

11.) Ivan has a slight obsession with stockings and is always wearing them his favorite being a dual purpleish pink pair that hes loved for ages he also tends to match headbands with them its his fave thing to wear and gives him comfort <3

Voice:  Will Add Soon