Suzuki Yuu's Comments

Unfortunately, like many in this folder, this girl doesn't have a picture, and I'd love to see what she looks like fully, unless you'd like me to just guess.

Ah I'm so sorry about that! I keep forgetting to add their images, as I have such a backlog of older artwork that needs to be added :P

Her full-body is up now, but feel free to have a crack at an outfit for her, I'm not super happy with her current one from the neck down haha

I'm not the best at fashion stuff, so whatever I make may not fit the exact aesthetic the toyline goes for, but hey, whatever. I do what I do.

I see you have a lot of new pics up, though if I could ask for one more thing--if you wouldn't mind, it would put up at least the creature they're based on as well, that would be much appreciated, since some of them are not exactly obvious. But, I know that would take some time as well.