Cherry Vilppu



5 years, 2 months ago


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Cherry Vilppu

Cherry Vilppu
Ame Onna
6 years old
Female (She / Her)

Design Notes

Very short; 3'8

Older sister of Rodel Vilppu. Her resting gaze is like this: 😠

likes frilly clothes and hats.




Goldenrod Tea

Sitting in her dads office



Long lines


Bad fashion

Being told no


Greatest Strength

Her strongest suit is her forensic science knowledge. She often studies Locard and reads many murder mysteries in between cases.

Greatest Weakness

She is nearsighted and may overlook things, she's afraid of horses and rodents, and occasionally mixes up homophones when speaking.

Vellenice (Current)
Italy (Birthplace)


Always looking for controlled ways to stimulate her mind, her family does puzzles together whether its mind games or jigsaw puzzles-- all kinds really.

Rain abilities

She's able to collect moisture in a space and create rain. When down she spawns a raincloud above herself for attention, but otherwise it's handy when she's had to flood a room or two.


She knows more about forensics than her partners but less than her skilled fathers. At their time, its not fully developed either so she's always learning more.

Positive Traits

She's more intelligent than an average adult, and in dire situations more composed as well. When her mature side shows she can be protective of others, give rare advice, or not falter before someone dangerous.

Neutral Traits

Her childishness can be a good and bad thing, as she can lose her temper and fuss at something mundane, or hold a grudge against a partner throughout a whole case. When she "acts her age" its a good way to deceive others.

Negative Traits

Heavily opportunistic, she can be led on by things like fame and praise, and drags others into her impulsive choices, including famous but dangerous unsolved msyteries. She also tends to take most of the credit not that the others care.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Cherry is known be hospitable in others' households and helps out with chores even as a guest. Often smiling too, others dont worry about her.


Stangers think she acts too pompous for a kid, or that she's going through a phase acting very confident. While its thought she'll be humbled as she ages, she'll always remain the same.


Her enemies find her childish and gloating, and she doesn't mind taunting any enemies as they're defeated or carried away to be locked up. There's many with grudges against her...

In her last life, Cherry always shared her life with her twin Rodel. They were still as inseparable as they are now. Born to parents who could not care for them financially, they were given up early on before they could walk, soon adopted by foster parents.

Once they’d gotten their footing, Cherry would often take the lead in their endeavors as the older sibling, indirectly leading her brother to depend on her enough that he would not become as outgoing as her. She can recall many wonderful memories where they’re playing, getting into trouble, sharing warm food, staying up late chatting away, and so on.
On the day that a grand sinkhole had opened up in their town, it was overall a rainy and seemingly dreary day. She wouldn’t have liked to go out herself, but Rodel was fond of the weather, so if he wanted to play around puddles she’d undoubtedly join him. When her foster parents stated they’d be attending a celebration for a political figure of their town, the twins joined just to tag along.
They’d wander on their own holding hands to avoid being lost in the crowds, not understanding what exactly the celebration was for. Caught up in the tremors as a part of the town was then swallowed, Cherry realized she wasn’t holding rodel’s hand anymore.

Reappearing in a world of red, Cherry became a gifted being that could manipulate rain and water around her, although she wouldn’t use it on a large scale. With her younger brother still by her side, the two settled into Vellenice under the care of Abel and Arturo Vilppu, their new fathers.

When they first appeared together, it had been in the middle of an altercation the town’s detectives had with some evildoers, briefly distracted by the sudden appearance of the kids. They liked Cherry’s strong attitude, and Rodel was just seen as cute more than anything, so they were taken in. Despite looks the kids learned quick and could handle themselves, so if their fathers left to do cases, the children were fine.
But Cherry, she was restless. Inspired by her fathers, she’d dig into their studies and study detective work diligently to one day become like them. Breezing by most of the material, she figured “If I’m already this smart why can’t I debut as a detective now?”, yet her fathers initially said no. There was concern for her even though she did know a lot, but experiences in a pinch were unpredictable.
Their rules were that she couldn’t go on any cases unless someone older was with her, so they’d take her occasionally on basic or simple cases themselves, but when Cherry met Emii she used her as an excuse to get more autonomy. Sure Emii was older, but she was still a kid too. Even so the kids were allowed to go on cases together, but unsupervised they began tackling murder cases rather successfully.

Nowadays Cherry parades around proud of all the cases she’s solved so far, and proud of the strides her partners make. To her, seeing Rodel make new friends and become more confident is the greatest achievement, especially as he’s solved a couple major cases without her help.

She recalls how her first murder case left her trembling in the moment, even though her actions always depicted her as tough, but now she’s more used to the work. Her fathers still worry about her well-being, sometimes running into her on the same cases, but they’re able to see how well her and Rodel do as a team. Out of her group, Cherry is the most technical and well versed, often training the others.
Like the rest of the world’s inhabitants she can’t recall the past life she had, but she’d always felt a strong kinship with her brother, one she wouldn’t want to be reborn without. The life she has now could be treated as a continuation to her last, and it’s one she enjoys to the fullest.

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∙ Her favorite game is hide and seek just because she always wins.

∙ She likes to drink tea every afternoon; it's like a time to reset her day if it doesn't start off well.

∙ She'll recite bedtime stories to her brother, but she forgets parts of the plots and ends up with entirely different endings.

∙ She often makes Rii give her piggyback rides during cases, easily tired of walking around in her uncomfy shoes.

∙ She has an unrequited yet obvious crush on Faris, more charmed by his bitterness than his violin playing apparently.

Close Box

Wild Side

ALI (music box)