Bambina Zhavoronkov



5 years, 4 months ago


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Bambina Zhavoronkov

Bambina Zhavoronkov
7 years
Female (She / Her)

Design Notes

4'0, short. Hair is dark and goes past her hips. Has two low ponytails with 3 braids at the bottom.

Wears elegant or flowing knee length dresses, likes skirts that move when she twirls or seem ballerina-like. Wears boots.

Stands with her hands behind her back, swaying on her feet often. Looks curious.









Strong smells

Tiny flowers



Greatest Strength

She's light on her feet and makes a really good dancer, practicing ballet on her own by recreating the moves she sees in instructional books or imported films. She can be very creative too.

Greatest Weakness

Her nose is strong, but also sensitive enough that strong perfumes phase her and make her nauseous, especially if she's stuck in a train or room with someone like that. She's awkward around strangers.

Russian, North African
Belodar, Russia (Current)
Russia (Birthplace)


Her best skill and hobby. She intends to become a professional in the future, a ballerina that performs in many productions. She won't settle until she's the lead at least once.

Snow angels

A hobby after it snows, perhaps it's the temptation to mess up a perfectly fresh layer of snow that speaks to her. Even if she tries to make an angel, her horns leave a round indent that make her think it looks like a mouse.


Just a hobby when she has nothing to do or goes somewhere unfamiliar; she can easily conjure up a face or figure in the things she sees around her, like a power outlet or the silhouette of a cloud. She thinks the "eyes" on the aspen trees in Reuya blink sometimes, and she's not wrong.

Positive Traits

For the most part, she can be independent and doesn't ask others for help with new things, willing to give things a try herself first. She's deemed fearless because of it, but she thinks of it as just messing around until she perfects something. She's pretty organized too.

Neutral Traits

She's fairly shy if she meets someone new, quiet as a way to appear polite and observe others' mannerisms becoming adjusting to it. It takes multiple visits for her to grow comfortable, and to actually remember them, so if they get casual by the second meeting, she treats them as a stranger, but doesn't mean any harm by it.

Negative Traits

She's too obedient so if there's something she doesn't feel like doing, she'll still do it because someone asks it of her, like a chore or a task she isn't confident in. She just assumes others are right in guiding her and if they ask her for help, she doesn't want to waste their confidence in her.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Her family thinks she's really cute and that she's on the way to doing great things in the future, as long as she isn't shy.


Her friends like to see her dance and most of Reuya's townspeople know she's from a neighboring town as she only comes and goes for school only.


She has a squeaky laugh that may annoy others, sort of like the sound of a window being wiped.

Born in a family consisting of her scholar mother, conductor father, and bookworm brother, Bambina could never remember a time she was bored. There was always someone around her, teaching her something new, even if it was her housewife neighbors babysitting her when she was a toddler. Whenever her mother was always out of the house for varying periods of time for tutor work, Bambina felt her brother, Venn, probably paid the least amount of attention to her.

“You’re thinking your brother loves books more than you, Bambina? Well, that’s how your mother and I feel too, but he isn’t leaving us for a young lady, at least!”

She didn’t get much help out of her father, that’s for sure. Instead, she decided to try reading and reaching his level, in hopes that he’d at least discuss books with her. She read an array of genres and types of literatures, and yet, forgetting her plan to be closer to her brother, Bambina became invested in history books. Analytical and realistic, she simply couldn’t keep her interest in fairy tales, mesmerized by the remarkable people that lived before her.

At one point, Bambina’s mother was summoned to teach an influential individual’s child for a while, and Bambina had read their family’s collection of books almost as quickly as Venn had; if she were to learn anything more, she should just enroll in Snezhana’s morning classes at the orphanage. It was awkward at first for Bambina, she knew nothing of Reuya, and she thought she wouldn’t fit in with children who were already acquainted and grew up together. Venn had noticed her unease during her first few days, and took her to see a ballet performance as a distraction. It was the most incredible thing Bambina had ever seen.

From there, she went to school with the classical tunes stuck in her head, mimicking the movements and intriguing her peers, retelling the elegant event to everyone. Imitating an arabesque form, Audette recalled a dusty jewelry box with a spinning ballerina decoration that sat in her home. Gifting it to Bambina the next time they met, the two became close and talked about more than ballet with time. They both had older brothers, were demons, and so on. Audette personally was into art, claiming one day she will paint everyone in Russia, Bambina asking her to put off a painting of her until she becomes a famous Ballerina. With that, the two look forward to growing up together, should their towns keep Baba Yaga away.

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∙ She knows a lot about Russian history but would prefer learning more about African history as there's a lack of books. Her mother at least has stories to tell.

∙ Her original design was a Baby's Breath flower gijinka. Bambina could also mean Baby.

∙ If her nose is in a book, she walks into others a lot. With her height difference with her brother, she may end up hurting his leg with her horns by accident.

∙ Linell thinks it's very easy to tease and play pranks on her. She tries to get him back with the same pranks but he can always see through it, or Venn falls for it.

∙ Her and Audette go swimming together in lakes and waterfalls every summer. It's always fun until one of them gets a lot of bug bites.

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Ado (music box)