


5 years, 4 months ago


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100+ years
Male (He / Him)
Misery of Memories

Design Notes

5'6 1/2. Wears boots with small 1-2inch heels. He's very thin and slender.

Sluggish or sleepy posture, looks uninterested. Wears cozy or loose fitting clothes.

The teardrop shapes under his eyes are eyelashes, just stylistic. Could wear earrings.



Concept of photos and art

Rain/white noise


String music


Crunchy food

Bared fangs

Learning languages



Greatest Strength

Lethe has the ability to become stronger when a human is stressed over forgetting things, or when terrible memories resurface, and can mess with what memories lie in someone.

Greatest Weakness

Ironically, he's got awful memory but nothing deemed important to remember. He'll forget faces and events easily, nonchalant about it, and frankly he forgets who his fellow Miseries are frequently. He also never learned to read or write.

Eng, dead languages
Wandering (Current)
Greece (Birthplace)

Thread Art

He likes to gather all kinds of strings and threads that he finds scattered about and weave them into each other to make art. It started out of boredom for sure.

Clock collecting

His realm is full of clocks floating around, which he claims is white noise when he sleeps. Anyone else finds it impossible to relax...

Harp playing

Perhaps if he wasn't a being meant to bring harm, he would just be known as someone who plays the harp too much.

Positive Traits

He's relatively calm and relaxed compared to the other Miseries, so he's one of the most tame despite the potential of his power. He thinks being hunted or provoking humans and Gods to a large scale is too much of a hassle, so lying low is the best so he can get uninterrupted sleep.

Neutral Traits

While he's surprisingly wise and gives good advice, he's pretty stubborn about it and doesn't freely give his wisdom to others unless there's a benefit to him. If it was someone he was once close to he'll also be withdrawn and forget their good deeeds to him in the past, which is inconvenient if you have to always be on his good side.

Negative Traits

He's easily bored and inattentive, and hates long conversations along with being told to remember something long term. His memory itself is all over the place as an old being, and he claims he only recalls things that are worth it. He's the worst with birthdays too.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

His comrades are easily annoyed that he forgets things even when its during a scheme, but expect it of him at the same time.


Strangers think he looks like a handful, giving the impression of an easily tired out victorian lady.


The humans he's tormented certainly hate him, it's a given. He's definitely forgotten them.

Growing up in the original Pandora's box with the other Miseries, Lethe practically submitted to the fate that lied beyond them; to be resealed if freed, to cause trouble if the chance came, to really just live a looping life. He watched the others differ in aspirations or decide to work together, but he preferred to be alone, certain he'd still come across the others in the future, unless one by one he'd come to forget them all. When freedom came, escaping from the box, he idled around and wandered more than anything.

Just like the more level headed miseries, he wasn't really looking to be known or pick fights with humans, indifferent to tormenting them individually even if he occasionally did so. Quickly becoming bored of the human world, he spent a lot of time napping without a care, still uncaring when he one day woke up sealed away. Sleeping in plain sight of a Pandora, he'd been recaptured and sealed away.

Sometimes he did come across the other Miseries when they'd free him. Zerrin would tell him to be more careful only to find him sealed away the next day for being so careless. Scena would stumble upon him sealed and call him a fool, only to never be seen again after being sealed herself. Lethe didn't really care either way, to what happened to his fellow Miseries, or that they didn't care much about him if he kept forgetting who they were.

He really didn't have any complaints about the life he led, at least playing the harp in the realm he was sealed in to pass time. Considering time to go in a circle, he anticipated being freed again, being sealed again, but maybe there would come a day where humans wouldn't consider them such threats. If he kept to himself, perhaps it'd be recognized one day, allowing him to idle around without an interruption.

At this point, he'd continued to lounge around until he was searched for for the first time. The other Miseries disregarded him for the most part, but when Ephialtes and Chimare found the music box he was currently sealed in, they asked for his help in subduing Merikh and Pagule in the future. He had no fighting experience or a care for the world itself, but if his only options were to prevent chaos or join the hassle of enacting it with Ephialtes' enemies, he'd rather pick the more relaxed team than the chaotic one.

Assigned with sabotaging any other groups trying to get their hands on the Miseries, Lethe investigated Merikh and Pagule's whereabouts, and occasionally ran into Miseries on opposing teams. To be honest, none of them want to be in the spot they're each in, still considering each other siblings aside from Merikh and Pagule who are in their own category. Lethe has no ill will towards the others, in fact still not remembering them well by habit, but he assumes they're also searching for a world without so much trouble in the future.

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∙ Probably smells like cinnamon

∙ When he sleeps, like the other Miseries, the "naps" are so long it can be days or oonger.

∙ Tends to say "hmm" a lot during conversations, it can be tough to tell if he's really listening or not.

∙ Forgets to smile even when something good happens, so in a group he's delayed or initially seems uninterested by good news.

∙ He'll call you anything but your correct name. When he really gives up, he'll call out things like, "You!" but it's obvious he forgot.

Close Box

deez nuts

Close Box

the one

Babymetal (music box)